Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [modal v] not [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An even lower profile is provided by teachers who may not set foot in the classroom at all but who may spend considerable periods of time in discussion with colleagues on ways in which the curriculum can be made more accessible to all children in the class , including the least able .
2 Occasionally it can be achieved by two very different people who may not see eye to eye on a lot of things , but who are determined to try to respect and understand each other for the sake of the man they both love .
3 Those who could not leave work in time could catch the 19:46 and we would all travel back together .
4 The second was a farmer-substitute scheme to help those who could not obtain assistance during periods of illness .
5 Rafe Straker , like many of the original white settlers of the Bahamas , had been an American loyalist who could not stomach life under George Washington .
6 In contrast to the Hong Kong Basic Law , the Macao draft law imposed no restrictions on foreign passport holders taking key posts in Macao after 1999 except for the chief executive who could not gain right of abode in a foreign country during his term of office .
7 This continued to amaze Ludens who could not imagine existence without reading .
8 A reserve of justice remained with the King , and so those who could not get relief in the King 's ordinary courts might , with some hope of success , petition the King and his Council for redress , if not as a matter of right at least as a favour .
9 Quoting from The Times , he would agree that , as applied in Poland , Marxism had created a proletariat disposed to ‘ revolutionising practice ’ inspired by those who could not take advantage of the widespread corruption through which a black economy , supported by western currency , operates to mitigate the sheer harshness of a regime of scarcity .
10 Those soldiers on Ukraine 's territory who would not swear allegiance to it were shipped off home .
11 And in fact , though perhaps it is shocking to admit it , we took some advantage of this dreadful argument during the campaign : we said we did not want to bring personalities into the election , but of course it was important that members of the Council should be responsible people who would not take advantage of their ‘ special position ’ .
12 In the same way , any dog who will not accept dominance in his new pack is not an asset to anyone .
13 The benefit of this form of publicity is that it could reach those in the home ( women , unemployed , disabled ) and especially those who can not make use of the coverage in newspapers ( i.e. the blind ) .
14 Not that this is to say that no industry should be owned by the State , not even when , for example , a service to be provided is a natural monopoly ; and the presumption is , therefore , that those who provide it should be accountable to users who can not register dissatisfaction by taking their custom elsewhere , rather than to private owners whose interest is to exploit the monopoly .
15 Alfie Kane , BT 's director of network operations , said : ‘ Crippling the 999 phone service in this way may sooner or later lead to the death of innocent people who can not gain access to emergency services , and it is in everyone 's interest that these people are caught . ’
16 Does he believe that the loans plus grants system covers the full year or does it cover only the terms after the Christmas and Easter vacations and , if so , what does he recommend to students who can not find work during the summer in the present employment conditions and who had to resort last summer to the soup kitchens ?
17 2,000 homeless in East Cleveland There are 2,000 single people or young families in East Cleveland who can not find accommodation of their own , Langbaurgh 's chief housing officer admitted this week .
18 He has been careful to confine his biggest tax penalties to those ‘ trapped ’ salaried employees who can not substitute leisure for work , while giving the self-employed special dispensation from higher National Insurance contributions .
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