Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] been [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are in the early stages of developing a day-case surgery/five-day ward and would be very interested to hear from anyone who has been part of a similar project .
2 It did little for the image of a man who has been part of the backbone of the team for so long , and was playing in his eighty-seventh Test .
3 Terence Flanagan , who has been principal of the flagship college for the last six years , takes up his new post in September .
4 John Evans , who has been Captain of the golf society since it started , stood down as he will be retiring next year .
5 Haydn Dalton , 60 , who has been manager of the town 's Odeon for over 20 years , started his career as a trainee at the Leeds ' Majestic in the 1950s .
6 Professor Anthony Jones , who has been President of the School of the Art Institute in Chicago since 1986 , is the new appointment as the Rector of the Royal College of Art .
7 The office of controller of the coinage of tin , previously held by Sir Thomas Vaughan , passed to another of Edward IV 's household men , Avery Cornburgh , who had been feodary of the duchy and occupier of the mines in Devon and Cornwall .
8 The office of controller of the coinage of tin , previously held by Sir Thomas Vaughan , passed to another of Edward IV 's household men , Avery Cornburgh , who had been feodary of the duchy and occupier of the mines in Devon and Cornwall .
9 There are a handful of representatives of well-known political families , like Nicholas Soames and the present Winston of the Churchills , the Douglases Hogg and Hurd , who are both the sons and grandsons of MPs , while the father of Sir Charles and Peter Morrison ( ‘ Pinky and Perky ’ ) was Lord Margadale , who had been chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee in the fifties and sixties .
10 Initially they were Josiah ( ‘ Jack ’ ) Eccles , formerly head of the Liverpool Corporation electricity undertaking ; Alderman Lewis , a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands ; John Pickles , ex-county electrical engineer of Dumfries and an expert in rural electrification ; and Harry Randall , who had been chairman of the London Supply Companies Association .
11 In 1619 Sir Thomas Smith , who had been treasurer of the Company since 1609 , was pushed into retirement and the new directors led by Sir Edwin Sandys brought about two important changes .
12 for example , long after Bede , in his Boke of Nurture John Russell , who had been Marshal of the household of the great patron of learning , the youngest son of Henry IV , Duke Humphrey of Gloucester ( 1391–1447 ) , described how the four courses of an elaborate fish-dinner that he had prepared for his master and guests was accompanied by appropriate ‘ subtleties ’ , or ornamental devices .
13 George Blake , the MI6 officer who had been secretary of the committee that had planned Operation Gold in 1953 had joined MI6 shortly after the war .
14 U Aung San was succeeded by an intimate and trusted colleague , Thakin Nu , who had been Secretary of the AFPFL .
15 Alessandro Natta , who had been secretary of the PCI from June 1984 to June 1988 ( when he had been succeeded by Achille Occhetto — see p. 35989 ) , announced his retirement from active political life in May 1990 .
16 Brian Whitaker , who had been editor of the Insight team , and had remained alone in the old Grays Inn Road Sunday Times building finishing a book on the sinking of Greenpeace 's Rainbow Warrior , brought along his production skills .
17 Abberley , who had been head of the School 's maintenance and ground staff since 1944 .
18 During the 1950s Adenauer had favoured such individuals as Hans Glöbke ( who had been head of the Chancellor 's office ) and Theodor Oberländer ( a Cabinet minister ) despite their close involvement in shaping Nazi policies .
19 US President Bush ( who had been head of the then US liaison mission in Beijing in 1974-75 ) , appeared to want to restore relations as they had been before the Tiananmen Square massacre , but often came under congressional pressure to adopt a policy more critical of China .
20 The four , who had been members of the late President Sukarno 's palace guard , were shot by firing squad in Jakarta , despite widespread pleas for clemency from the international community .
21 Three candidates who had been members of the CNC , Nadjita Ngororo , Doungous Kimto and Bobekreo Tchimne , were also defeated .
22 The arrest of three police officers and two military captains who had been members of the elite UESAT unit of the Panamanian Defence Forces commanded by the former dictator Gen. Manuel Noriega , led to suggestions that a serious coup attempt had been intended , and that it had enjoyed wide support from the police .
23 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
24 He obtained 103,244 votes ( 55.08 per cent ) in the second round , against 84,178 votes ( almost 45 per cent ) for Mohammed Taki , who had been Speaker of the National Assembly between 1980 and 1985 but who now represented the Union nationale pour la démocratie aux Comores ( UNDC ) .
25 The grim reality of the war was reinforced when Gad Gross , who had been part of the JB group , was killed by Iraqi soldiers on 29th March .
26 Some 580,000 Estonians took part , exclusively people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Estonia and their descendants ; most of Estonia 's political parties fielded candidates , some with Popular Front endorsement .
27 Ahead of the Latvian Supreme Soviet session , the radical nationalist National Independence Movement organized on April 30-May 1 a rival " Congress of Latvia " , elected in privately organized elections in which only people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Latvia and their descendants were eligible to vote .
28 In 1968 , to restore public confidence in the so-called finance houses , banks and other money-lending agencies , a Committee of Enquiry was appointed under the chairmanship of Lord Crowther who had been Governor of the Bank of England .
29 So in two years flat , after riding on the crest of a wave , people who had been cock of the walk in ICI suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the league .
30 The young Wanless , an only child who had been captain of the football team and head boy at his primary school , won a scholarship to Newcastle Royal Grammar School .
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