Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 severely with people who do n't hand homework into me and it 's
2 We get complaints from other traders who do n't want trading on a Sunday or from the public who just want a peaceful day .
3 And you get quite remote as you can see people you hardly know you know er fairly distant cousins er but you also get fairly close people who do n't get consideration at all .
4 I think he realized that what he might call the party of reason , that 's to say the party of those who do n't see things in terms of ideological shibboleths , but in terms of the long-run interests of humanity , ca n't become a party of action .
5 Erm fluor fluoridation erm er this is a particular prob problem for many people who do n't like additives to water .
6 But once the technology becomes more refined , I definitely think that in a few years you 'll have a lot of people who do n't touch chemicals at all .
7 But once the technology becomes more refined , I definitely think that in a few years you 'll have a lot of people who do n't touch chemicals at all .
8 One recent survey revealed that 13pc of couples only make love once a week though the researchers believe the number who do n't have sex at all may be even greater .
9 It enables those who do n't have time to be volunteers to get involved .
10 Some people who do n't enjoy sex with their partners are relieved .
11 I am talking about prisoners who do not want problems in serving their sentence ; they want to serve it in a civilised fashion , where that is possible in any prison regime .
12 Regulations have also been discussed regarding the suspension and dismissal of public employees who do not express loyalty to General Noriega .
13 It arises from a series of acts of faith : speech is natural , language acquisition occurs naturally through audition ; the oral approach incorporates this natural approach ; children who do not acquire language in this way are therefore deviant , and thus defective .
14 It existed under the old domestic rating system , and still exists for those who do not pay rates in Northern Ireland .
15 Broadly speaking eligible trainees are individuals who pay for their own training or assessment out of their own resources , who do not receive assistance from an employer or are not funded under a Government Scheme towards the cost of such training .
16 There is not much in the way of a half-way house between people who do not use credit at all and those who use it frequently .
17 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
18 He argues that this control enables a group of conquerors to subdue and dominate those who do not have access to such technology .
19 Because of the decline of public transport , it is often no longer possible for those who do not have access to personal transport ( their own or shared ) to commute daily to and from rural settlements ; these people and places may effectively be isolated .
20 We welcome the advice that new retail development should be sited so as to reduce the number and length of car journeys and to provide for those who do not have access to a car .
21 In the New Testament those who do not enjoy salvation in Christ are regarded as slaves of sin ( John 8:34 ; Rom. 7:14 ) .
22 It is fair to assume also that there is a high proportion of black sportsmen who come from single-parent families , but , in absolute terms , there are huge numbers of black kids who are reared in broken homes who do not enter sport in any serious way .
23 The strongest ecological difference is that between those who can accept whaling in principle so long as it is properly regulated and those who do not accept whaling in principle at all .
24 Those who do no speak Spanish at the moment need not feel put off — it is surprising how quickly a language can be learned .
25 The 39 women who did not start treatment before January 1989 were excluded from the analyses .
26 Laymen who did not hold land worth forty shillings a year , and clerks who did not have a benefice worth ten pounds a year , were forbidden to keep a greyhound or other dog , on pain of one year 's imprisonment .
27 A newsletter writer of August 1692 complained that it was impossible to distinguish between those who did not come to church because they were attending conventicles and those who did not worship God at all , and he predicted the result would be the downfall of the Church of England followed by the triumph of popery .
28 Any female who did not prefer males with the deleteriously exaggerated trait would indeed produce fitter sons than other females ; however , no one would mate with them .
29 Patients who did not show evidence of relapse after this four week microchallenge had the diagnosis of coeliac disease confirmed by an open challenge with higher doses of gluten .
30 Amongst those who did not do duty in this year 's championship are Phil Davies ( standing down as Llanelli skipper after a highly successful five year run ; reverting to the second row and declaring his intention to challenge for a place in the Lions party in that position — remember the trouble he gave Paul Ackford when Wales last beat England in 1989 ) ; David Bryant ( controversially appointed a youthful pack leader in his first season in international rugby under the John Ryan regime , now recovered from a debilitating period of illness ) ; Andy Allen ( the front jumper was capped out of Newbridge in 1990 , subsequently becoming yet another moving down the valley to Newport ) ; Aled Williams ( one cap as a replacement wing in Namibia in 1990 , when a Bridgend player , but increasingly favoured by many to join Robert Jones in forming a club halfback partnership ) .
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