Example sentences of "that [art] first step " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to most onlookers that the first step to take to correct the disparity between the teams was to practise as hard as possible , especially as the West Indians were doing just that themselves ; Gower and Tony Brown , the manager , however , enforced no such ruling .
2 Okahata and his colleagues suggest that the first step in our perception of smells occurs when odorous substances are absorbed by the lipid bilayer of a cell .
3 Mrs Turpin did not know Bernard of Clairvaux 's observation , that the first step into pride is comparison , and the subsequent steps lead into a self-focused life .
4 Commander Richard Compton-Hall , museum director , said that the first step in salvage was to get any party with a claim to the wreck to relinquish it to the museum .
5 I knew that the first step was to introduce Barny to jesses .
6 IN CASES OF EJEs ; Express your concern over the reported deaths of individuals in custody ( refer to victims by name , as above ) ; explain that the first step to prevent such killings would be to undertake thorough and impartial investigations ; urge that a commission of inquiry be established in accordance with the United Nations Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-Legal , Arbitrary and Summary Executions ( 1989 ) , and that those responsible be brought to justice .
7 He postulated that the first step in the differentiation was our ancestors ' adoption of an upright posture in order to move about on open plains instead of in trees .
8 A shadowy image of herself stood there , nodding and smiling shyly , while the real Isabel remained in the cold , lonely place she had inhabited for so long and grimly decided that the first step was almost accomplished .
9 Given that the Prime Minister told us in January that a recovery had started when patently it had not , will he now apologise , tell us when a recovery will happen under Tory policies and agree with the country that the first step towards saving the jobs of thousands of people is for the Government to lose theirs ?
10 It was necessary , if we were to meet the target of 1 April 1993 for introduction of the tax , to ensure that the first step towards the levying of the tax — the valuation of properties — was begun as soon as possible .
11 I hope that the first step towards that will be taken tonight .
12 In a televised speech on Aug. 19 , Yeltsin said that the past year had been " extremely difficult " but that the first steps to normalization were being taken .
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