Example sentences of "that [noun] [be] likely " in BNC.

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1 Baldwin reported to his colleagues that MacDonald was likely to resign and that ‘ H.M.
2 Towards the end of the 1980s , it is increasingly apparent that cities are likely to find themselves very much in the firing line , as a series of radical measures are implemented concerning education , social security and local taxation .
3 They differ both in terms of the types of deictic references they contain , and in terms of the degree of overlap that readers are likely to perceive between the evoked situations of utterance and the actual contexts of production and reception of the texts .
4 Qaddafi says that nations are likely to have a greater proportion of written members than tribes generally do ( III , ‘ Merits of the tribe ’ , ‘ The nation ’ ) ; and he says that shared experience can forge a common solidarity , a sense of belonging .
5 He argues that crime is likely to increase when one or more of the following conditions predominate :
6 Hit by relentless price competition and slumping business conditions , Fujitsu Ltd on Friday forecast that for fiscal 1993 to March 31 , it would report its first loss since it was first listed in Tokyo in 1949 : it sees a group net loss of $322m and a current loss of $169m for the year , against net profit of $103m and current profit of $437m last fiscal — current profit includes gains and losses made on investments in stocks and bonds and sundry profits and losses from other non-operating activities ; ‘ Customers expect lower prices , ’ said Mike Beirne , a Fujitsu spokesman — ‘ the price competition goes from the price war in personal computers right up to mainframes ; ’ the company acknowledges that losses are likely to continue into the first six months of its new year .
7 Unless the circumstances are such that he fears that violence is likely , no offence is committed .
8 Every social worker knows that clients are likely to have multiple difficulties and that the problem presented may not be the main one .
9 Gall bladders that contracted after a fatty stimulus were preferred , as previous experience suggests that stasis is likely to lead to recurrent stone formation .
10 Assuming that research is likely to depend on access to a multiplicity of sources and databases , users will need such expert advice .
11 It is worth bearing in mind that disputes are likely to arise not out of the terms themselves , but , often , because one party seeks to escape from the effect of the contract .
12 If the family of a disabled child is one of an ethnic group , research has shown that parents are likely to feel even more unhappy about the education of their child than other parents of disabled children .
13 They conclude that technicians are likely to be in increased demand for test and inspection work as more and more industries incorporate sophisticated electronics in their equipment .
14 The Oxford English Dictionary definition of suffering-to undergo pain or grief or damage or disablement — implies that suffering is likely to be avoided rather than desired .
15 But perhaps its prime message is the crucial role that Rosat is likely to play in our understanding of these issues .
16 It was also presumably why he 'd sent Feargal off to Wexford , as a joke , because he 'd known damn well that he lived in Slane and that Ellie was likely to meet him again .
17 The history of previous attempts to reduce the prison population by introducing alternative punishments suggest that NAPO is likely to be proved right .
18 The good sense in having communications that work is likely to lead to its services being gradually extended to all peacekeeping operations .
19 Analysts said that Kim was likely to have asked China to delay official ties with South Korea until Japan recognized North Korea .
20 Nobody will believe that governments are likely to intervene when exchange rates move toward the edge of their bands .
21 The reason is that this is cash that banks are likely to need anyway , and which can not therefore be used to meet an increase in demand for cash . )
22 At Sheriff Hutton , as at Middleham , the core of the affinity consisted of men whose own estates lay close to the castle and it is among these that continuity is likely to have been strongest .
23 At Sheriff Hutton , as at Middleham , the core of the affinity consisted of men whose own estates lay close to the castle and it is among these that continuity is likely to have been strongest .
24 Blauner also devotes considerable attention to features of technology which imply that workers are likely to feel a greater sense of belonging and identification with factories using highly automated processes .
25 Such a view took account of the fact that war was likely to hurt some ; for that reason every effort must be made to restrict it .
26 It was recognised that Tyrone was likely to be the area in which there would be activity subsequent to the activities in Belfast .
27 Once it becomes clear that recovery is likely , it may , for instance , lead a person to re-examine their lifestyle and come to positive decisions about how they would like to improve it and make more of its good features .
28 The reason for it is that resources are likely to be allocated to the individual R D P committees , on probably a per capita basis , and if you do that say with a small R D A like the Whitchurch one , it will just barely be possible to do any projects within that area , given the level of resource you 've got .
29 And even after due allowance has been made for the undeniable fact , easily forgotten as it is , that literature is written by writers , and that writers are likely to be highly exceptional beings who actively prefer working alone , there is still something persuasively representative about the man in the play who would rather listen to a new recording of a favourite opera than to the problems of his neighbours and relatives .
30 So far , the thrust of the analysis has been that firms are likely to want vertical integration and that , though in many cases it would be socially desirable , in some it may not be .
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