Example sentences of "not appear in the " in BNC.

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1 To the lay reader the revelation of Clark 's memoirs is the complete self-assurance with which the effective influence of No. 10 over what does and does not appear in the national media is assumed , whatever slips may occur between cup and lip .
2 Kahlo does not appear in the work , her Tehuana costume hangs empty in the centre of the composition , suspended between a toilet bowl and a golfing trophy .
3 CARL PREAN , the man whose name does not appear in the English rankings , again showed that he is the country 's current outstanding player by beating Desmond Douglas to win the Macartney and Dowie Classic in Brentwood yesterday .
4 However , X does not appear in the first place as a response to some specific stimulus ( as in the case of a reflex ) , but more or less spontaneously .
5 Labour 's traditional commitment to restoring full employment was dropped during a policy review after the last general election as an impractical hostage to fortune and does not appear in the party 's manifesto .
6 Nicholson did not appear in the film and was used as a production assistant by Corman ; but it is worth mentioning because it was a significant moment in Hollywood history , inspiring as it did a succession of similar films when other producers noticed that The Wild Angels grossed eight million dollars in no time at all , and had been made on a shoestring budget .
7 The more radical critics within the party did nevertheless ensure that the reference to three types of school did not appear in the 1944 Act ( or , indeed , the 1943 Bill ) .
8 Check that OT ( for Overtype ) does not appear in the Status Line .
9 The essays are not primarily concerned with consciousness , and indeed ‘ consciousness ’ does not appear in the index ; they are , however , concerned with the relation of brain activity to mental processes , and to the status of psychological laws .
10 Chelsea College , which is under strong pressure to merge with one of the larger colleges , does not appear in the list , even though it has a strong electronics department .
11 The earliest evidence of stone tools — modified or used by hominids — does not appear in the archaeological record until 2 million years ago .
12 If your organisation does not appear in the brochure and you wish to participate next year , please get in touch with the Northamptonshire Enterprise Agency and establish your interest .
13 The error did not appear in the original text of Anthony Lee 's article , but resulted from changes made to the piece during the editing process .
14 On the other hand , the blends/bl/ ( ‘ b l ue ’ ) , /dr/ ( ‘ d r um ’ ) , /fl/ ( ‘ fl ag ’ ) and/skw/ ( ‘ s q uirrel ’ ) are sampled in the word , initial position in the Goldman-Fristoe test , but do not appear in the EAT .
15 Furthermore , a dense , hypertext , semantic network , from which a single printed document was to arise , would include many transition paragraphs that would not appear in the printed document .
16 On contacting the 359th Fighter Group Association , we were surprised to find that 42–106929 did not appear in the Group 's official history , which listed Lt Ferris 's crash , but not his aircraft .
17 Their names would not appear in the lists of people living in the shattered apartment blocks .
18 There was much discussion as to who should and should not appear in the prospectus as the management team .
19 Lois Dimfel of IBM Personal Systems says that the Sidebar technology will not appear in the initial PC-DOS 6 release , but in a subsequent ‘ point revision ’ .
20 Unfortunately , two years later , we are trying to rectify an original omission — the word ‘ disability ’ does not appear in the policy document .
21 In any long-standing power relationship the person or group losing each conflict must have interests which are suppressed , and either do not appear in the public realm or quickly founder for lack of support when they do materialize .
22 Among the items saved was a portrait of Lord Liverpool by Sir Thomas Lawrence , which did not appear in the catalogue and which has gone to the National Portrait Gallery .
23 Being a French-built helicopter , the rotors do not appear in the right hand window and vanish from the left one , as they would in an American-built machine .
24 The story does not appear in the Crowland chronicle , which confirms the existence of ill will between Hastings and the Woodvilles , but without offering any explanation .
25 Incidentally , the LMS code for Lancaster is shown as 20H , a code which does not appear in the BR list !
26 It did not outlaw indirect discrimination and indeed the concept of indirect discrimination did not appear in the legislation .
27 This story is apparently an invention of foreigners , and does not appear in the Arab texts .
28 Longman , too , is publishing Language Issues , an advanced multi-skill course ( but although due in August , does not appear in the Longman catalogue ) .
29 Thus , many women who are living with or married to a man can not claim benefits on their own behalf , and , thus , do not appear in the unemployment figures .
30 We have heard extensive submissions in this court from Miss Mary Arden ( who did not appear in the court below ) on behalf of the appellant .
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