Example sentences of "not provide a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , they are limited in that they create artificial contexts which may not provide a good basis for predicting performance in other settings .
2 ‘ There is no doubt that climate affects landform development but it does not provide a good basis for a general theory of landscape evolution'
3 The Secretary of State did not provide a good defence of the Government 's proposition .
4 Consequently a simple histogram constructed from the mass and molar mass of each fraction will not provide a good representation of the distribution and a method must be used to compensate for the overlapping .
5 To sum up this section , it is argued that a purely economic approach can not provide a comprehensive treatment of financial market regulation , or any part thereof .
6 It does not provide a comprehensive explanation of every facility offered but rather gives a brief introduction to the most commonly used methods involved in the financial side of exporting .
7 The 58% who identified less dependence on farm income as a benefit represented those for whom the farm provided a considerable proportion of total income but which could not provide a living income on its own .
8 Although the accord meant that essential medical and fuel supplies began reaching the island in mid-February , the agreement 's failure to address the central issue of Bougainville 's future status meant that it could not provide a final solution to the conflict .
9 But ministeres believe that custodial sentences would not provide a simple answer .
10 ICL does not provide a separate key format in its 2900 series buckets .
11 THE LICENCE for Britain 's fifth television channel may never be awarded if applicants can not provide a convincing plan for retuning the three million video recorders likely to suffer interference , the Independent Television Commission said yesterday .
12 First , a presentation founded so largely on the view that equates the development of industrial democracy to the growth of the process of consultation by management of unions intent on retaining their traditional role which opposes them to management , does not provide a credible basis for the qualitative change , envisaged by the Report , in that role : a change to one of shared responsibility for management .
13 ' In the UK rates do not provide a close link between those who vote for expenditure increases and those who pay the costs of local services .
14 If we allow that the analogy does not provide a useful general descriptive or explanatory account of the growth of knowledge , we may be surprised that it was found plausible at all .
15 Thieblot and Haggard do not provide a systematic analysis of the reasons for the supposedly violence-prone nature of the UMW , or indeed , for the differing characteristics of the 1977 and 1981 disputes .
16 The scientific research into the history of plating technology relies almost entirely on microscopy and element analysis , but these techniques can not provide a complete picture of many of the non-metallic inlays used by the ancient metalworkers .
17 The notion of bargaining undoubtedly captures a great deal of what presidential power is all about , but it does not provide a complete explanation .
18 The EPR paper concludes with the words While we have thus shown that the wavefunction does not provide a complete description of physical reality , we have left open the question of whether or not such a description exists .
19 However , although the National Consumer Council concluded that such schemes do make a very real contribution , and also make possible extra journeys and excursions which would not be provided by fully routed bus services , they also pointed out that the schemes could not provide a complete answer to accessibility problems in rural areas .
20 Mr Tweddle said while the police evidence did not provide a complete picture of what happened he was able to record a verdict of accidental death .
21 A single experiment of this sort can not provide a firm basis for any wide-ranging claims .
22 We must keep open the option of withdrawal from Bosnia if the current peace negotiations do not provide a firm way forward . ’
23 It may also prove necessary to confound the belief that the local community and environment can not provide a suitable learning medium .
24 Indeed , conventional hospital wards are rarely designed with people with mental disorder in mind and , even when they are purpose-built , they do not provide a suitable environment for at least three groups of people listed below .
25 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and the Law Society of Scotland held a general discussion group for insolvency specialists in St Andrews on 18–19 May 1993 to address the concern that the current corporate insolvency legislation does not provide a suitable rescue procedure which is quick , easy to use and cost effective .
26 Textbooks have a register of their own and do not provide a suitable model for imitating in your essay-writing .
27 Restaurants do not provide a memorable gastronomic experience , but no-one goes hungry .
28 While it may not provide a specific remedy for the complainant , it can force public bodies to alter policy and procedure .
29 The company says some surveys do not provide a wide enoough sample to give a balanced picture .
30 There seems no reason why a broad area , problem or theme , such as Europe , third-world development or the environment , should not provide a coherent focus for study , although such courses no doubt require careful planning .
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