Example sentences of "not become a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Spain did not become a great mercantile nation because she failed as a naval power to retain political control of her great empire , and as a producer to supply cheap goods .
2 The European Communities ( EC ) stated that it welcomed NAFTA provided that it abided by GATT rules and did not become a closed trade bloc .
3 The overstretch of the regular army did not become a major political issue during the last of years of the Conservative Government ( then under Douglas Home , who succeeded Macmillan in October 1963 ) : it was a legacy left to Labour when they came to power in October 1964 .
4 The result has appeared unimpressive to some in that the issues embedded in the Public Expenditure White Paper remained obscure to most MPs and the annual debate did not become a major parliamentary occasion .
5 The DipHE did not become a major feature of the higher education landscape .
6 However , this does not become a major problem until the late eighteenth century .
7 Aquino reiterated her assurances that the movement would not become a political party , and expressed her optimism that an accommodation could be reached between Kabisig and the LDP .
8 Viewer 's democracy will not become a regular feature on the station , which covers southeast England , however .
9 Speaking to the NATO Council the following day Havel recognized that " our country can not become a regular member of NATO for the time being " but called on NATO not to exclude permanently its democratic neighbours .
10 It is notable that no Western politician has yet proposed that Israeli nuclear weapons should be included in the regional disarmament negotiations that will neuter the military power of states such as Syria and Iran and ensure that Iraq can not become a new military phoenix .
11 It also underlines one of the main reasons why community education did not become a radical movement for social change .
12 As it happened , in spite of General Marshall 's fears , France 's colonial policy did not become a Congressional issue in 1947 nor did it , contrary to what Marshall feared , have much effect on public opinion in the US .
13 Assessing his father retrospectively with a mixture of filial compassion and uncompromising lucidity , Nizan remarked : My father depicted culture as power and wealth , as the one thing that he did not have and without which he could not become a bourgeois .
14 I did not become a Labour Member of Parliament to hand over all power to bankers .
15 I did not become a Labour Member of Parliament or the Chairman of the Select Committee on Employment to work for policies that would lead to chronic mass unemployment .
16 Such organisations are flexible and constantly changing : they adapt to the environment in order to create or maintain the conditions necessary for success in the task , and do not become a mere part of the machinery as , for example , project teams are disbanded as soon as their task has been completed .
17 Significantly then , apart from isolated evidence of attempted antislavery pledging in 1792 in the middle of a parliament , it did not become a systematic technique of abolitionists until the culmination of the emancipation campaign in the early 1830s when parliamentary reform politics also triumphed .
18 They demanded that special consideration should be given to new OECD states , such as those in Eastern Europe , to ensure that these did not become a future dumping ground for EC waste .
19 Javad v Aquil [ 1991 ] All ER 243 confirms that the concept of a tenancy at will remains a reality and while the landlord may be concerned that the tenant should not become a periodic tenant until the grant of the lease , the tenant may wish to ensure that it has something more concrete than a tenancy at will .
20 Superintendent Don Randall of the City police said the road blocks would not become a permanent feature on city streets .
21 It is vital that your show-jumping horse does NOT become a habitual refuser at water jumps .
22 It has also been held that a wholesale sale does not become a retail sale because the goods are delivered over a period in retail quantities : Hales v. Buckley [ 1911 ] W.N. 32 .
23 He gave the French people a new pride in themselves , especially with such successful developments as the nuclear force de frappe ( even though this did not become a realistic deterrent until the later 1970s ) .
24 For all their grandeur , the chancellors in Germany , France and England in this period were still essentially officials of the household : even in England the royal chancery did not become a quasi-independent department of state until the turn of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries .
25 Given the commitment to its having the same entry qualifications as the degree , it did not become a clear alternative for large numbers of students .
26 This means that we have to be doubly careful to ensure that multicultural mathematics does not become a second-class mathematics curriculum for multiracial urban schools .
27 According to a British study published in 1984 , at least three-quarters of all dog owners look to their pets to provide some security around the home , but proper training is required to ensure that your dog does not become a dominant tyrant at home .
28 As a young man he emigrated to England but did not become a British citizen until 1918 , though he served in the War Office Intelligence Department during World War I.
29 Although there are some dissenters , it seems to be accepted that a lifetime of attachment to one company together with seniority promotions and group bonus schemes for all workers did not become a common practice until the 1950s .
30 The Ministry of Agriculture said it believed hemp , which can grow as high as 15ft , would be a minority crop and would not become a common feature of Britain 's rural landscape .
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