Example sentences of "not look at the " in BNC.

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1 I did not look at the rest of it , deliberately .
2 Most of all , he must not look at the food on his plate .
3 ‘ Firstly , at its most mundane level , you will not look at the world through a narrow tunnel of perception .
4 It has been observed that two out of three fiction readers in libraries do not look at the text of a book before choosing it .
5 Although the other judges would not look at the assessors ' lists , Burn met them at the hall and compared his list of preferences to theirs .
6 Donald Unwin , chief engineer at the association 's Testing and Research Laboratory , said ‘ Many manufacturers just do not look at the problem through the eyes of the Third World countries .
7 The carcass , unfortunately , was in quite an advanced state of decomposition by the time we got to it , so we could not look at the detailed histology ( cell structure ) of the internal organs or the central nervous system .
8 She did not look at the old man , so she failed to see the shrewd yet kindly glance he gave her .
9 Mr Scully adds that security considerations may limit what data an individual can look at — London , for instance , can not look at the accounts specific to Hong Kong .
10 The EAT did not look at the offer of new terms in the abstract but in the light of the company 's financial difficulties .
11 His message is : If you want to understanding knowing , remembering , hoping , and so on , do not look at whatever experiences may go with the use of the words ‘ know ’ , ‘ remember ’ , ‘ hope ’ , do not look at the phenomena ; look , instead , at the transactions of language , look at the grammar of the expressions ‘ I know ’ , ‘ I remember ’ , ‘ I hope ’ , look at what is done with these expressions .
12 Why not look at the situation rationally : it 's the British Mountaineering Council , and sports climbing and competitions have nothing in common with the ethos of mountaineering activities — so why not ignore them , excommunicate them ?
13 The first is whether in construing ambiguous or obscure statutory provisions your Lordships should relax the historic rule that the courts must not look at the Parliamentary history of legislation or Hansard for the purpose of construing such legislation .
14 He did not look at the woman who passed him in the hallway .
15 He did not look at the still bowing surveyors as he spoke , but at Alexei .
16 Cyril did not look at the cows .
17 Nicholson caught the note of sarcasm in the other man 's voice but he did not turn , did not look at the visitor .
18 If you intend to climb a mountain , you do not look at the foothills and worry ; you keep your eyes fixed on the summit , and that way , if you are very lucky and very determined , you may achieve it .
19 Dr Johnson would not look at the bones .
20 They came in but did not look at the cups .
21 He did not look at the keys .
22 As is usual in such cases the myth seems to be somewhat remote from the historical facts but , for what it is worth , Wilberforce is supposed to have remarked that : " Whatever certain people might believe he would not look at the monkeys in the Zoological Gardens as connected with his ancestors ' , to which Huxley replied : " I would rather be descended from an ape than a bishop " , which has merits as repartee but is hardly a contribution to science .
23 Coffin did not look at the severed hands , where he imagined the signs of a fight would show .
24 I do not look at the rocks and trees , I am frightened of what they see .
25 They will rightly look to a Labour Government who will not look at the matter in the narrow economic calculus that we have heard from Conservative Members but will recognise that , unless we are prepared to accept the role of women in the labour force , we will fail as an economy to receive and achieve our full potential .
26 The hon. Member for Northampton , North ( Mr. Marlow ) has some interesting ways of looking at the problem , but he did not look at the fact that there are proven ways of taking young people who have committed offences and giving them a chance to confront their criminality .
27 We did not look at the histological correlate of the inflammatory mediators as for ethical reasons we did not perform sigmoidoscopy and rectal biopsy .
28 We 've said well let's not look at the parish organizations , specifically , because those are covering areas that we do n't need to look at .
29 He did not look at the girl by his side , who was almost as tall as himself ; but he went on talking as she tapped her racquet against the netting .
30 Thus , in construing a written agreement the court is entitled to take account of surrounding circumstances ( with reference to which the words of the agreement were used ) and the object appearing from those circumstances that the person had in view ; but the court may not look at the prior negotiations of the parties as an aid to construction of the written contract resulting from those negotiations ( Prenn v Simmonds [ 1971 ] 3 All ER 237 ) .
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