Example sentences of "not getting [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Parents need to be helped to understand the problem and not punish the child for not getting to the lavatory in time ( Schmitt 1982a ) .
2 Some parents feel that the problem centres on the child 's not getting to the lavatory in time ( Berg et al .
3 Now , it 's obviously very good news that all this aid , that is there it 's just not getting to the people that need it , that it is now on the move but it is n't as simple as that is it ?
4 Not-Flaubert stood by us , not getting into the car until , sanctioned by his regal nodding approval , I finally locked the boot , ensuring his sacred suitcases were safe from dacoits and thuggees .
5 We can criticise deane for not getting into the box enough .
6 ‘ I 'm not getting on the back of his scooter with all my new gear on ! ’
7 I 'm not getting at the park officials because I feel sure that they do their utmost to keep Henry VIII 's ancient hunting ground healthy and litter-free .
8 Since it 's not getting past the ROM stage when I boot up , is this a fault in the ROM , or could I have contracted a virus ?
9 Soon the employee learns that he is not getting from the phone calls what he wants and expects .
10 And it 's quite clear that that very high death toll from flu last winter was not because the vaccine was n't working , but because the vaccine was n't getting into the people who needed it .
11 ‘ The situation with M'tronix went on till ‘ 87 , but I realised around ‘ 86 that I was n't getting to the public with my own stuff ; all I was doing was perpetuating Fender and Marshall 's reputations , because their amps formed the bulk of our work .
12 I think this is a deal that could have been done ; we just were n't getting to the finishing line quickly enough .
13 Make sure the wind or the frost was n't getting at the roots .
14 On the other hand erm if you 're looking at , obviously sometimes our members felt that there was a benefit , at least the employer was n't getting , was n't getting off the hook as far as the matter was concerned , the matter arising was concerned , and therefore he was left with a problem just the same as we were .
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