Example sentences of "not usually [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 The use of tranquillizers of either the major ( e.g. phenothiazines ) or minor groups ( e.g. benzodiazepines ) does not usually appear to be helpful .
2 So , while product development has been impressive , and confirms a certain level of re-investment , it does not usually lead to development of medium-sized businesses with tangible assets .
3 If battles , in themselves , did not usually lead to the achievements of such goals , what would ?
4 However , as Patrick Parrinder has pointed out , most of these approaches — in their concern with methodology rather than with the aims and purposes of English studies — have led to changes in manners of interpretation rather than in the choice of texts : they do not usually lead to any significant reconsideration of the worth of pursuing the interpretation of texts as such . "
5 Platelets do not usually adhere to normal endothelium but the reasons why normal endothelium is inert with respect to stimulating platelet adhesion and aggregation is not fully understood ( Shattil & Bennett , 1981 ) .
6 In the sixteenth century the word ‘ empire ’ did not usually refer to a state with transoceanic possessions of this sort .
7 Landslips , earthquakes and faulting are not everyday occurrences in this country and do not usually have to be allowed for in settlement siting .
8 Tumours of the ovary and testis are likewise hormone-related , although they do not usually respond to hormone therapy .
9 Treatment sessions do not usually need to be longer than 1 hour .
10 This will very rarely be the case in a management buy-out and it should be noted that s18(2) TCGA 1992 will not usually apply to a management buy-out of a business to impute a non-arm's-length transaction .
11 Apart from the Quakers , and sometimes the Roman Catholics , the Old Dissenting sects did not usually object to the baptism , marriage and burial services of the Established Church and therefore Dissenters appear in Church of England registers like anyone else .
12 It did not usually occur to the client that DPR might be prospering from his losses .
13 I do n't usually go to pieces like this . ’
14 Yeah but housewives do n't usually go to sleep at this time in the afternoon .
15 We do n't usually go to that one do we ?
16 ‘ He does n't usually talk to women outside the family , ’ replies Riva with a smile that carries the unspoken endearment — ‘ you ignorant git ’ .
17 They did n't usually speak to her , only about her .
18 ‘ We think this can do even better because it 's for home charities and also because many of the names involved do n't usually contribute to compilation albums , such as Genesis and Cher . ’
19 but we do n't usually refer to it as Clog 's theory or anything like that .
20 Cats do n't usually take to car travel , that 's why I do n't often take any of mine with me , and shutting them up in cages goes against the grain , but my sister 's two Burmese love the car , they 'll go and sit in the car when it parked .
21 I did n't usually get to bed until 11 or 12 pm .
22 ‘ The Yek do n't usually wait to be charged . ’
23 Well he , he 's ten and , and collies do n't usually live to be much older .
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