Example sentences of "not see [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was stated that authorities on the Japanese constitution did not see difficulty in fitting security provisions into a treaty or placing it in a discrete American-Japanese treaty .
2 He then went into the Army and did not see Minton for some time .
3 It was agreed that they would not see Minton for a while .
4 This is a particular problem with working dogs , such as gundogs and collies , as they do not respond properly to their tasks ; but in the home , pet dogs may not see objects around them , and start to appear abnormally clumsy .
5 Dexter did not see Blanche for another few hours .
6 Her friends on the bridge saw the boat , but they did not see Anne under the tree .
7 They will probably not see things in the same way as you do .
8 Clearly the scene was beautiful , even though I do not see London as my city .
9 Frederica could not see Alexander at all : indeed she had noted he was not there : she stared around and around now at colourless air and sand as though he might rise from them like a mirage .
10 He went to all the openings , parties and dinners that he wanted to and frequently did not see Constance for several days .
11 He did not see size of firm as a particularly important factor in his choice .
12 Eisenhower , who was not unsympathetic to the plight of the blacks , did not see legislation as the real answer to the problem : " I do not believe you can change the hearts of men with laws and decisions . "
13 Many Christians do not see Jesus as a sacrifice in the same way .
14 In any case he does not see students at home . ’
15 His wife was a kinswoman of the earl 's councillor Sir John Pickering , which implies that Middleton did not see service to Gloucester as an alternative to Northumberland 's lordship .
16 His wife was a kinswoman of the earl 's councillor Sir John Pickering , which implies that Middleton did not see service to Gloucester as an alternative to Northumberland 's lordship .
17 Lawrence added : ‘ It must be stressed that we do not see ball-tampering in our domestic game as a serious problem , but we are determined to stamp it out .
18 Unlike them , Mary Queen of Scots did not see complexities in the situation ; like her grandson Charles I after her , she assumed that the expression of the royal will from a distance was enough to make problems go away .
19 Since women do not see housework as a coherent , meaningful structure of tasks demanding their full attention , they are not made dissatisfied by its fragmented nature .
20 The conservative aspect of the new bourgeoisie is that it establishes a more durable form of capitalism , but as Becker does not see socialism as the only way of ushering in progress , this does not present a problem for him in his depiction of the new corporate bourgeoisie as promoters of development .
21 A very striking example was told me not long since by someone who attended a dinner party in Moscow soon after Gagarin 's space trip — the Gagarin who had reported that he did not see God in space ( see p. 57 ) .
22 She did not see Gedge until six weeks later when he arrived at their door after a minor road accident .
23 The use of the Soviet army for this purpose ( for example in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan ) gave rise to much dissatisfaction among the troops themselves , who did not see action against Soviet citizens as part of their role .
24 But even now , having gone through that process , they would not see men as the enemy , they feel that they do have a lot in common , for example , with maybe the conception of women organising in National Liberation struggles that was mentioned earlier .
25 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
26 Occasionally it can be achieved by two very different people who may not see eye to eye on a lot of things , but who are determined to try to respect and understand each other for the sake of the man they both love .
27 America , Britain and France do not see eye to eye .
28 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
29 Bishops were again brought in to arbitrate ; but they did not see eye to eye .
30 The portly Breton was standing in the town in yesterday 's parliamentary elections but it would appear that he does not see eye to eye with local activists .
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