Example sentences of "not a member of " in BNC.

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1 She is not a member of the Communist Party .
2 While the others went on to further success he fought and eventually won a battle against alcoholism , but his writing partnership with Cleese did not survive it , and , at his own choice , he was not a member of the Python film company Prominent Features .
3 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
4 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
5 The latest available figures for Holland , Belgium and Austria ( which , though not a member of the EMS , pegs its currency to the D-mark ) show that output remains fairly buoyant .
6 But Beveridge was not a member of the post-war Labour Government .
7 But before she could finish , he retorted : ‘ He 's not a member of Equity . ’
8 Charles was only here on sufferance , not a member of the club .
9 This was star billing indeed for a junior minister and Sir Robin Day mischievously asked Mr Major why Mrs Shephard was in the line-up if she was not a member of the Cabinet .
10 A certain Mr Tomlinson was in trouble ‘ having several times played in the upper part of the links with some gentleman who was not a member of the Club and who had on each occasion omitted to pay his green fee ’ ( at this time 2s. 6d . ) .
11 The NCT is not a member of the campaign .
12 Oman is not a member of OPEC but is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC ) and is thus sensitive to the interests of other Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia .
13 David Howell was not a member of Mr Heath 's Cabinet but he was close to him .
14 But Palmerston 's surprise at the announcement seems genuine , and Hall , who was not a member of the Cabinet , probably failed to keep it informed about his proposals .
15 Lord John Russell , who at that time was not a member of Palmerston 's Government , said that he had heard that Panmure did not want a new building for the War Department , and he hoped that :
16 While in the library , the young user is an individual — not a member of Miss Jones 's class , or one of the Polish community , or ‘ a typical teenager ’ , or so-and-so 's daughter or son .
17 ‘ It is permissible for the data to be used for accident prevention purposes , but the source of the information must not be divulged to anyone who is not a member of the Authority . ’
18 If either partner is not a member of the Society their application must be approved in writing by two adult members of the Society .
19 I do not have a handicap because I am not a member of a club , will never be able to afford to join one and ca n't afford the high green fees around London to play regularly enough to improve my game .
20 I believe Smeeton was then serving at the Admiralty , he was not a member of 800X Squadron . ’
21 Thomas Courtney was not a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists .
22 Crewe boss Gradi is the only manager of a club in either the Premier or Football League not a member of the organisation — and it 's partly down to the incorrect spelling of his surname .
23 A debenture holder is not a member of the company and is entitled to interest on his debenture stock whether the company earns a profit in the accounting year or not .
24 A liberalised single market , often referred to as ‘ Fortress Europe , , could well create obstacles to outsiders — and Switzerland is not a member of the EC .
25 Hundreds of customers could lose their bookings because the company was not a member of the Association of British Travel Agents .
26 Britain , along with Denmark and Norway , as well as Ireland ( which was not a member of EFTA ) , had lodged applications to join the EEC , and their initial negotiations with the Six seemed to be progressing satisfactorily .
27 A few weeks later , he also reported with some amusement how he had involved a colleague ( not a member of the group ) in discussion about another pupil when he had caught both himself and his colleague ‘ fixing ’ the child inadvertently in his bad behaviour .
28 The firm has been campaigning since November 1991 to receive results at the same time as the Japanese press — a privilege denied it because it is not a member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange press club , where securities companies post earnings announcements in members ' pigeon-holes .
29 Although the pilot was not a member of the PFA , he was aware of the requirement to land at Cranfield by 1230 hrs — an air display was due to start at 1300 hrs ( 1400 hrs local ) .
30 Joyce later described himself , when applying for his German military passport , as a believer in God but not a member of any church .
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