Example sentences of "not afraid [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Not only was he a first-class commentator , he was also a true gentleman of the old school who was not afraid to criticise the sport 's overpaid prima donnas when they started throwing tantrums and acting up on court .
2 It has allowed itself to be outsmarted by governments who are not afraid to bend the rules in their favour , aided and abetted by American multi-nationals whose allegiance is to the United States , naturally .
3 Be not afraid to mow the field ;
4 He is not afraid to give the ball air and has variation .
5 Sometimes colleagues may read my signals wrongly ; they think that , because I wear short skirts and I 'm not afraid to let the conversation get personal , I must be looking for an affair .
6 Ricardou 's exclusively self-reflexive interpretative grid was never able to incorporate the presence of actual historical/autobiographical ‘ truth ’ ( however fundamentally relative Simon acknowledged it to be ) : a consideration of La Route des Flandres which is not afraid to examine the referential data can result in potentially valuable readings of the text .
7 ‘ We are not afraid to ask the dumb questions on this show , ’ he proclaims .
8 And Stone , no stranger to chemical soul-searching himself ( after all , this is the man who wrote Scarface and called it ‘ somewhat autobiographical ’ ) , is not afraid to tackle the dangers of glorifying this aspect of Morrison 's character .
9 Carax is trying to capture an intensity of feeling , and is not afraid to risk the vulgarity of silent cinema .
10 ‘ Unlike the Labour Party we are not afraid to use the P-word — punishment . ’
11 This is the president who has this wonderful rhetoric about states and federalism and , you know , the rights of states , but he was , he himself was not afraid to use the power of the federal government to try and lever the states into line and it worked , you know , we 're talking serious money here .
12 David DuBon has had to battle with a notoriously difficult subject , and is not afraid to state the plain facts , such as : ‘ it is no longer possible to determine whether its present form is that of the original piece ’ ( Vol .
13 It is refreshing to read an article when the writer is not afraid to state the fact , even if it may be unpopular with some people .
14 It means that the leader is not afraid to wait on God , and is not afraid to encourage the whole congregation to wait with him .
15 Volkmar is a zealous preacher utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos , but he is also a mighty warrior who is not afraid to face the peril of battle .
16 After the Uprising , UNLU was not afraid to criticize the PLO openly .
17 ‘ You can bring the straw up to me in armfuls , if you are n't afraid to climb the ladder in the dark , ’ said Gabriel .
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