Example sentences of "not mind a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would not mind a few more so I could do more work at the Exchange .
2 ‘ I was about to suggest that we eat tea together , and , that being so , you would not mind a fresh pot .
3 But I , I would n't mind a new camera .
4 I do n't mind a good storm meself .
5 ‘ Are you sure she wo n't mind a total stranger calling on her ? ’ asked Melissa doubtfully as she took the proffered piece of paper .
6 If you did n't mind a grainy look , you could slam it through any of the while-u-wait colour processing shops and get reasonable black and white prints in an hour .
7 ‘ John goes for the foliage and I buy flowers ’ said Claudia , who likes bargains and does n't mind a few surprises .
8 Drying time : wearable within the hour after drying in a warm room — if you do n't mind a few minutes of clamminess at the obvious places where the material is thicker such as the pockets and waistband .
9 Anyway they 're nice old bales though , I would n't mind a few of them .
10 He says that he wants a woman who wo n't mind a romantic involvement .
11 ‘ Nonsense , ’ I said , ‘ I do n't mind a little rain . ’
12 ‘ Would n't mind a little taster to see what I 'm missing , though . ’
13 Be different , you do n't mind a little run do
14 When they say to you ‘ oh well , you know , surely you do n't mind a little bit of flirtation and so on ’ I think very often that 's an entirely mendacious reply , that they know perfectly well what you 're talking about when you talk about sexual harassment , and in the context of discussions in the SCR or over dinner , they simply do n't want to have to deal with it and so they will dismiss it by way of saying ‘ well , you know , I 'm only being chivalrous , or this is the way I was brought up ’ .
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