Example sentences of "not usually [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who bought Harvard 's own shares got effectively locked in , as it would take three months to sell out , on the matched bargain basis a fact not usually explained to the client at the time of sale .
2 The use of tranquillizers of either the major ( e.g. phenothiazines ) or minor groups ( e.g. benzodiazepines ) does not usually appear to be helpful .
3 On another occasion I had received a letter from my mother — not usually given to handing out advice :
4 He was the butler , a gentleman full of his own importance and not usually given to conversing with the lower servants .
5 The hon. Member for Hamilton ( Mr. Robertson ) is not usually given to fanciful rhetoric , and if he studies the movement of opinion in Europe he must know that since Maastricht more and more people have begun to comment on the future of Europe in the same sort of way as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and I did before .
6 As Kennedy 's secretary of state , Dean Rusk ( a man not usually given to sweeping statements ) later commented : " We ca n't break with Britain .
7 The Department of Health and Social Security are concerned that all elderly people who are in need should receive the appropriate help to which they are entitled , and the visiting officers are always pleased to explain what other benefits a successful claimant may have automatically , but even if a supplementary pension or allowance is not granted , if their income is below a certain level some of the extra benefits such as free dentures , spectacles , hospital fares , and rate rebates ( this last is not usually granted to those on supplementary pensions ) may be available to them .
8 ( Children , the other main economically dependent group , are not usually referred to as burdens . )
9 So , while product development has been impressive , and confirms a certain level of re-investment , it does not usually lead to development of medium-sized businesses with tangible assets .
10 If battles , in themselves , did not usually lead to the achievements of such goals , what would ?
11 However , as Patrick Parrinder has pointed out , most of these approaches — in their concern with methodology rather than with the aims and purposes of English studies — have led to changes in manners of interpretation rather than in the choice of texts : they do not usually lead to any significant reconsideration of the worth of pursuing the interpretation of texts as such . "
12 Platelets do not usually adhere to normal endothelium but the reasons why normal endothelium is inert with respect to stimulating platelet adhesion and aggregation is not fully understood ( Shattil & Bennett , 1981 ) .
13 Whilst it is perfectly true , as Roth points out , that any of the attributes of profession listed by such writers as Greenwood , Gross and Goode can also be found in occupations not usually assigned to the category ‘ profession ’ , we all ( Roth included ) , use the terms ‘ profession ’ and ‘ professional ’ both descriptively and analytically .
14 In the sixteenth century the word ‘ empire ’ did not usually refer to a state with transoceanic possessions of this sort .
15 BIRTH OF A BUSINESS COUNSELLOR Chartered accountants are not usually motivated to be competitors , salesmen or traders .
16 But these developments , while welcome , do not usually amount to a cross-disciplinary vehicle for systematically reflecting on the quality of the student learning .
17 The hive-up will not usually amount to a distribution ( see s209(4) , ( 5 ) , ( 7 ) TA 1988 ) .
18 Landslips , earthquakes and faulting are not everyday occurrences in this country and do not usually have to be allowed for in settlement siting .
19 ( c ) For left arithmetic shift , when the sign bit is changed ; rounding errors in right arithmetic shift are not usually considered to be a case of overflow .
20 Secretion of bile is not usually considered to be of much importance in this response since the gall bladder procides a mechanism for rapid delivery of bile into the duodenum at mealtime .
21 It is not usually considered to be an important tone for foreign learners to acquire , though it is still useful practice to learn to distinguish it from other tones .
22 These are more pervasive influences , not usually confined to any one time , and may be said to define the personal milieu in which the child spends his early years .
23 Tumours of the ovary and testis are likewise hormone-related , although they do not usually respond to hormone therapy .
24 Treatment sessions do not usually need to be longer than 1 hour .
25 This will very rarely be the case in a management buy-out and it should be noted that s18(2) TCGA 1992 will not usually apply to a management buy-out of a business to impute a non-arm's-length transaction .
26 On the final stage , the Ribblehead viaduct comes into view in a widening landscape and Whernside is seen in full stature , assuming a majesty not usually attributed to it from other directions .
27 With a U-form structure , in which the functional basis of decomposition is preserved all the way up the hierarchy , more of top management 's time is devoted to these operational matters , whose pressing need for resolution gives them an urgency not usually attached to issues of a more long-run , strategic kind .
28 Apart from the Quakers , and sometimes the Roman Catholics , the Old Dissenting sects did not usually object to the baptism , marriage and burial services of the Established Church and therefore Dissenters appear in Church of England registers like anyone else .
29 It did not usually occur to the client that DPR might be prospering from his losses .
30 I do n't usually go to pieces like this . ’
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