Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had [vb pp] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were others ( such as Howard Teicher , who had gone on the trip to Tehran and had seen the spare parts in the back of the plane ) who were ‘ not in all the boxes within the boxes but some element of the box ’ .
2 The Brigadier beamed and the Brigade Major returned the salutes of the local dignitaries who had gathered on the pavement just outside the restaurant .
3 Employing a night watchman was the solution to his problem , and so without delay Jack was sent to see the wharf manager , who felt that the sprightly-looking man who had served on the Khyber Pass would suit admirably .
4 The chairman historically was a person who had served on the tribunal as an ordinary member for some time .
5 He sold his tape to The Sun and was later exposed as the ‘ supersnoop ’ who had eavesdropped on the royals .
6 It must have been there for years , abandoned to the plunderers , an illicit plaything for the local children , a welcome shelter for the occasional vagrant like the seventy-year-old alcoholic who had stumbled on the body .
7 This was in part an act of Yorkist pietas , since those who had suffered on the king 's behalf are particularly remembered , but it was also a plea for political continuity .
8 This was in part an act of Yorkist pietas , since those who had suffered on the king 's behalf are particularly remembered , but it was also a plea for political continuity .
9 Some of those who had commented on the draft of the new programme , Gorbachev revealed , thought the term should have been entirely removed ; others , on the contrary , thought it should have been dealt with at greater length .
10 The prouder and more articulate seaman had seen his pay and status in continuous decline from 1815 when , at the , end of the Napoleonic wars , " the government , without the least consideration for those who had battled on the ocean in defence of their king and country , disbanded the Fleets and cast adrift some thousands of Seamen suddenly to find employment in the merchant service " .
11 The year 1912 also saw the beginning of the Marconi campaign , in which he attacked a group of Liberal cabinet ministers , including the attorney-general , Sir Rufus Isaacs ( later first Marquess of Reading , q.v. ) , who had profited on the Stock Exchange through illegal inside knowledge .
12 It was as a result of the Russian advance across the Urals that many Mansis and Khantys moved away from their homes , the latter crossing the Ob into the middle part of its basin , while some of the Selkups who had lived on the Ob , as well as Kets on the Yenisei , moved off to the north .
13 There had been the curious tale of the Argentinian scrap metal merchants who had landed on the island of South Georgia , where the United Kingdom had exercised sovereignty since it was discovered by Captain Cook in I775 .
14 It seems certain that the blend of characteristics at Great Witcombe is attributable to a mosaicist who had worked on the St. Nicholas Street mosaic .
15 Darwin was eager to emphasise the reputation of the scientists who had worked on the descriptions for each volume .
16 As far as Bill O'Farrell , who had worked on the pumps on the forecourt of Grunte 's first garage ?
17 All of the teaching staff who had worked on the proposal were keen to be involved in the process , and it would have been difficult to leave anyone out .
18 Brian Whitaker , who had worked on the Wapping Post and the Hayling dummy , had applied for the job of editor and , although he had not been interviewed , was taken on by Sutton as his deputy .
19 Nithard puts them in 839 : Charles 's mother , and the magnates who had worked on the will of his father to promote Charles 's cause , fearing that if Louis were to die before matters were settled , they would risk incurring the hatred of Charles 's brothers to their own ruin , advised that the father should choose one of those sons to be his helper so that , even if the others refused to remain at peace after their father 's death , these two at least would have been so firmly united that they would be able to withstand the hostility of their rivals .
20 He was an elderly man who had worked on the river all his life and regarded his present job as something of a rest on the way to full retirement .
21 " You learnt a lot " , according to one woman who had worked on the Encyclopaedia Britannica , which was her most vivid memory , as well it might be .
22 She recalled the Italian prisoners-of-war in their unsoldierly uniforms who had worked on the estate for a time towards the end of the war ; she made civil mention of another of Leon 's countrymen who had sold ice-cream on Norwich market when she was a girl .
23 I had already moved onto a better job by then , along with all the other officers who had worked on the loan .
24 Jack Rogers was a man of fifty who had worked on the shop-floor all his working life .
25 Speaking on March 22 , 1990 , to scientists who had worked on the project , the then UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher promised that her government would " meet the commitments which it has solemnly accepted " to reduce emissions from power stations [ see pp. 36791-92 ] .
26 The guys at Mill Hill who had worked on the Jura alien had been very cagey about this , apparently , but I think Mr Marr said there was a lot of stuff about mind control .
27 At last a pick-up truck came bumping up the track , containing Giovanna 's fat and apparently unsatisfactory husband and a detachment of villagers , including the old men , Molly was sure , who had sat on the wall by the petrol pumps mocking her .
28 They buried the bodies of those who had died on the boat , but had to leave the others where they were for grypesh could be seen prowling on the bank .
29 Nevertheless , it is readily intelligible that Luxmoore J. should have considered that , when the discretion fell to be exercised , the equities were all on one side — that is to say in favour of the chargees , who had acted on the faith of a document of transfer which the mother had herself executed after having failed to make inquiries which would have revealed that the document related to the property .
30 Tony Fretton , the architect who had devised the original division of areas to form six units and who had advised on the allocation of flats , was retained by both Russell Mills and Juliet Mann to design the interiors of their dwellings .
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