Example sentences of "[Wh pn] come [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Governments and organizations such as the European Communities ( EC ) and the Council of Europe sought steps to contain both the influx of migrants , many of whom came from the Soviet Union and eastern Europe , and the rise of racist sentiment .
2 ‘ How 's that ? ’ the girl asked , but then the phone rang and there was no time to worry because they were swinging into action with the RTA , two victims of a car smash who came on a blue light with sirens wailing .
3 The Eastern National , in 1929 , took over followed by United Counties who came on the local scene in June 1928 .
4 He 'd lived all his fifty-odd years in Oldfield and felt the duties of a host towards visitors , especially those who came with the proper recommendation .
5 GREG MACKEY , Warrington 's Australian scrum-half who came as a two-month stop-gap but has figured prominently in the club 's unbeaten start , has agreed to spend the full season at Wilderspool , writes Paul Wilson .
6 Viv Richards , who came for a quiet life , is left privately shaking his head and wondering whether there will ever be a perfect world — and a county side blissfully , permanently free from controversy .
7 Of the students in my time , one has since become an archbishop , John Aung Hla ; another , John Maung Pe became the first bishop of Akyab , and another who came for a short term of study and an even shorter curacy was John Richardson , the saintly schoolteacher , catechist , priest and bishop in turn of Car Nicobar , where under his influence the whole of the island population , including witch doctors , became Christian .
8 Like the Dutch family who came for the half-term holiday in late February one year .
9 Christian , who came of a long line of English country gentlemen whose only aesthetic investment was in bloodstock , was a maverick , and the despair of his family when Edouard first met him .
10 In the first chilly greyness of dawn , before the sun rose , Sergeant Comstock , of the uniformed branch , who came of a long line of native fishermen , not to say poachers , and knew his river as he knew the palm of his own hand , thankfully abandoned what he had always known was a useless patrol of the left bank downstream , and on his own responsibility borrowed one of his many nephews , and embarked with him in the coracle which was his natural means of personal transport on the Comer .
11 Instead wrong-doers , or even the mischievous who came under the stern eye of the chief dresser , were sent off home to their parents , and like-as-not , a strapping .
12 And perhaps the best-known of them all ; the apparently harmless street musician who came to a little township called Hamelin , and agreed to rid the town of rats by means of his music …
13 Other sources observe that HP and Sun , who came to the MAS announcement as cheerleaders , did not exactly pledge to adopt it leaving only IBM who was already involved .
14 Thanks to all those who came to the lovely Garden Party held in aid of CAFOD last Thursday evening .
15 At Doncaster Mr Frisk , who came to the last fence in front in the Hennessy Gold Cup , should gain compensation in the Constant Security Handicap Chase , and Red Ruddel can gain his fourth consecutive victory of the season .
16 The mullah was very hungry and when he heard that the Emperor was providing a free iftar to anyone who came to the Red Fort he immediately tied up his donkey and went along .
17 At Hamilton Terrace Minton may have been relieved , after the turmoil of Bedford Gardens , to find himself sharing with someone who came from a similar background .
18 The couple met through running when Mota , who came from a sporting family , was just 19 .
19 In extreme cases , the same description was applied to someone who came from a distant village .
20 he told Dr Schäfer of a friend , a fellow student at the University Ballet School , who came from a Coloured family .
21 The squadron also flew the Iraq Levies , A sort of RAF Regiment of the day , they were mainly Kurds who came from the far north of Iraq excellent soldiers but poor airmen who generally laid their breakfast on the cabin floor whilst we were taxying , to take-off .
22 The farmers remember the lawless boom times a decade ago , when they grew as much coca as they could manage for the drug traffickers who came from the other side of the continent to their market town .
23 At one time he also had a nanny , who came from the German-speaking part of Switzerland .
24 Yentob and his colleague Michael Jackson , who came from The Late Show to run the music and arts department , are picking up warm endorsements for assuming Channel 4 's mantle of experiment .
25 EWM 's auditors — who came from the same firm as the rider 's accountant — suggested the link-up .
26 But her words were interrupted by Silas , who came from the main office .
27 The two who came in the first place .
28 ‘ I think I 'll go across and have a chat with that young fallow who came in the other day , ’ Phil said in a conversational tone to no one in particular and rushed out to Sister Cooney 's office .
29 so just one Central South team in the cup now … and that 's Gloucester who come into the third round … for a tough old game on Tyneside … that 's in three weeks time
30 Many of the people who come under the first proposal would be paying back loans for educational purposes .
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