Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [been] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 And what about Body Shop supremo Anita Roddick , the woman who has been feted for the last ten years as some kind of environmentally conscious feminist icon .
2 Here 's another new model from guy who has been riding for the same big-time company for literally eons .
3 Jenny Pitman is another who has been waiting for the rain before releasing a very strong team .
4 The same applies to anyone , tall or short , who has been dieting for a lengthy period already , and generally to those who are only a few pounds overweight .
5 Bootle and Oxton players are unavailable for the match in which Liverpool 's Andy McDowell comes in for Barry Metcalf who has been picked for the Wales side against Dorset .
6 Walker , the England Youth international goalkeeper , who has been deputising for the injured Thorstvedt , gave away a free kick just inside his penalty area by taking too many steps with the ball .
7 POLICE are concerned about the safety of a 20-year-old woman who has been missing for a week .
8 A thrill went through Alice , as when someone who has been talking for a lifetime about unicorns suddenly glimpses one .
9 ‘ This time was a much more pleasant occasion , ’ said John , 45 , who has been running for the last seven years .
10 Though Alan Watt is back training , he is not included in GH-K 's 24-strong squad , which includes a French No8 , Franck Gruel , who has been playing for the 2nds .
11 But behind the make-up there still lies a razor sharp intellectual who has been quoted for the past several years as one of the top 100 lawyers in the US .
12 my Lord I , I think it takes the view and probably not unreasonably that assuming good faith on the part of the disciplinary tribunal and assuming that there is er review by the courts , you will have complete objectivity and someone who has been excluded for a good reason , maybe fraud or something of that nature should not be competing in the first place , but he will not be excluded unreasonably and therefore if he was excluded unreasonably erm the fact of he 's exclusion could be anti competitive because it takes out of the market a player
13 Sorry to anyone who 'd been hoping for a match report from Newcastle , but I went home to Wakefield the morning after the game and so did n't get a chance to post one .
14 He says that moral is low , with workers now waiting to see who have been chosen for the latest redundancies .
15 This includes women who 've been trying for a test tube baby , have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted diseases , have suffered previous ectopic pregnancy , or surgery on their tubes , and those who 've had infertility problems .
16 It quickly emerged that a good deal of potential support was coming from those Conservative Members who had been elected for the first time .
17 She hardly listened to Mr Lessing 's explanation ; the tutor was his cousin , who had been intended for the Church but proved to have divergent views from his bishop , and had resigned .
18 Obviously a tall , long-legged person will need a big horse ; I recently sold a 17.3hh gelding to a man of six foot eight who had been looking for a long time !
19 Apart from anything else , his family came from Glasgow ( unlike twenty-five of the thirty-one Scottish lord lieutenants , Admiral Bryson had also been educated in Scotland ) , as several of the big Sussex landowners who had been hoping for the job quickly pointed out .
20 All had two or more close relatives who had been treated for the disease .
21 The foundation of a national Board of Education signalled the acceptance within the official culture of a need for policies that would co-ordinate an efficient and fully national system of education , and also allowed the voices of dons who had been calling for a transformation of the traditional curriculum to carry more weight than ever before .
22 Police violence against members of racial minorities became a national issue following the widespread broadcast on television of an amateur video showing white Los Angeles policemen brutally beating a black man who had been stopped for an alleged driving offence on March 3 .
23 Earlier , police in Pretoria had on Sept. 17 arrested Piet ( " Skiet " ) Rudolph , deputy leader of the far-right Boerestaat party , who had been wanted for the previous four months in connection with bombings and arms thefts .
24 The suspected assassin , José Sales , who was arrested later , was believed to be a professional gunman hired by local landowners who had been blamed for the murder in 1985 of his predecessor Joao Canuto .
25 Fortunately , our embarrassment was eased by the presence among us of Rocky Marciano , who had been moonlighting for a rival tabloid .
26 Cripps , Laski and Strauss , who had been booked for a speaking tour in " Labour 's Crusade Week " , refused to continue their tour until Mellor had been endorsed .
27 Maurin , who had been longing for an excuse to escape , said he would go himself to attend to it and made for the door .
28 A shopkeeper had a dispute with a customer , a woman who had been waiting for a bus had popped in to mention parking on the footpath at weekends , the school had organised some Maypole dancing and wondered if part of the car park could be cordoned off , somebody else wanted vehicle watch forms .
29 A practical outcome from this incident was a new pair of deck shoes for Marty who had been campaigning for a replacement from Stores Branch for some time .
30 The shooting ended a promising future for Nicola who had been recommended for an audition with the Royal Ballet .
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