Example sentences of "that the proper [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ So far as this court is concerned it must be taken as settled that the proper construction to be given to [ s.14(2) of the Water Act 1973 ] is to exclude liability for escapes in the absence of negligence ’ .
2 It was held that the proper measure of damages was the husband 's actual loss ( ie his loss of earnings ) , which was in fact less than the cost of employing a housekeeper .
3 Her remarks were recorded before events in Tianamen Square and it was clear by the end of the programme that the proper function of current affairs television was less of a live debate inside the country than it had been .
4 Is it really suggested that it is in the best interests of the community that the proper approach to remuneration is purely on a time basis , and supply related to the question whether there are sufficient people prac-tising ?
5 Held , allowing the appeal , that in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction the court would not order a medical practitioner to treat his patient in a manner contrary to his clinical judgment and professional duty ; that the proper approach , pending any final decision , was for the court to consider the options available to it in exercising its inherent powers and to make such order as best served the child 's true interests , and it would be wrong to apply the principles governing the grant of interlocutory injunctions in civil proceedings ; that , further , the judge 's order was defective in that it failed to specify the precise requirements imposed on the health authority and to take sufficient account of that authority 's distribution of resources in its patient care ; and that , accordingly , the order would be set aside ( post , pp. 516B–G , 517D–F , 518E–F , H — 519C , E–H , 520B–C , E–F ) .
6 He said that the proper approach was to be found in against the National Coal Board nineteen eighty five one weekly reports nine thirty at ninety five .
7 Advocates of the reliance theory insist that the proper scope of legal obligations should be confined to invasions of the reliance interest rather than the expectation interest .
8 Where the programme is most revealing is in its assumption that the proper way of handling young refugees was to treat them as if they were entrants to a minor public school .
9 Magellan captured a number of these immense people — one pair by the crud trick of showing them leg-irons and insisting that the proper way to carry them was to allow them to be locked around their ankles .
10 We have always said that the proper way to do it is to have the service areas there and ready to open on the day the motorway itself is opened to traffic .
11 This is likely to be the case in formal hierarchical establishments where it is felt that the proper locus of decision making is at the top .
12 So , one reason for getting less plural continuations with ( 10 ) might be that the proper name serves as a strong cue for treating the named character as special and separate from other individuals .
13 If , on the other hand , the condition is that the proper name , if it is to count as a proper name at all , must be non-descriptive , then we shall look in vain for suitable candidates , for there can hardly be an expression that communicates something and yet does not incorporate , or contextually presuppose , a descriptive content .
14 The legal control of odours arising from sewage disposal works merits attention at this point in view of statement of Wills , J. in R. v Parlby that the proper course of action for a local authority complaining of odour nuisance from a sewage disposal works is to obtain leave to file an information in respect of a public nuisance in the name of the Attorney General , ‘ A great public officer , who will not lightly interfere himself , or allow his name to be so used ’ , and for an individual to bring an action for private nuisance .
15 Nor does it follow that the proper course is to quash the order .
16 In all the circumstances I consider that the proper course is not to find if there 's any windfall element of the plaintiff 's parents and therefore to ignore such arguments .
17 ( b ) In English law the choice of law rules governing claims for restitution are influenced by the claim being connected with a contract , having regard to the English conflict of laws rule that the proper law of the obligation to restore a benefit , if the obligation arises in connection with a contract , is the proper law of the contract : Dicey & Morris , The Conflict of Laws , 11th ed. ( 1987 ) , p. 1350 , r. 203. ( c ) Quasi-contractual claims , at least where there is a contract involved , should probably fall per se under article 5(1) : see the opinion of the editors of Dicey & Morris , at p. 341 , to this effect , and the decision of the Scottish courts that a statutory claim to contribution falls within the article in Engdiv Ltd. v. G. Percy Trentham Ltd. , 1990 S.L.T. 617 , 621. ( d ) In the case of a claim for the return of moneys paid under an ineffective contract , there is no artificiality in deducing an implied promise to pay , even though the old theory that restitution was based on the concept of such an implied promise is now largely discredited .
18 His argument would be that most electronic circuits are organized interactively , by which we mean that the proper operation of one component depends on the normal operation of all of the others .
19 Finally , the revenue has contended that the proper procedure was for Woolwich to seek to challenge its decision not to pay interest by way of judicial review , although it would of course contend that no order should be made on such a review in the present case .
20 While it could and did allow that the discoveries of natural science and of philological and literary criticism of the text could cast light upon the meaning of the Bible , it held that the proper responsibility of the theologian is to interpret the Bible out of itself .
21 Now the minister er er when in his speech earlier , er made the point that he thought that the proper interpretation in respect of all of these orders was a fairly wide one .
22 I conclude that the proper figure to be used as a cost in this second period is the net commercial care valuation of Mrs figures , which would be thirty six thousand , one hundred and fifty pounds and seventy two pence .
23 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
24 In particular , it has been shown that the proper time between the collision and the subsequent singularity is inversely proportional to the square root of the amplitudes of the impulsive components of the approaching waves .
25 What is important to note is that the proper time τ as recorded by an on-board clock would change smoothly on crossing the horizon .
26 We have always suggested that the proper time to rise is after 10 o'clock .
27 Finally convinced that there was no hope of agreement , they decided that the proper action was to disband the tribe , each chief becoming an independent leader of his own village … ( and ) declared the Nez Perce nation dissolved …
28 " If a simple test … is desired for ascertaining into which category a covenant falls , it is suggested that the proper inquiry should be whether the covenant affects either the landlord qua landlord or the tenant qua tenant .
29 I consider therefore despite Mr arguments to the contrary that the proper rate of interest to take is two percent .
30 The procedural consequence of the doctrine of corporate legal personality is that the proper plaintiff in any action against the directors for breach of their duties is the company , not individual shareholders .
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