Example sentences of "not [adj] to take the " in BNC.

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1 It is effective because these three words show that Turnour realises his opponent has submitted and he himself is not willing to take the matter further .
2 Finniston admits that being plunged into the deep end of commercial decisions he inevitably made mistakes in the early stages , although he is not prepared to take the blame entirely .
3 Against a background of the strategic concerns outlined above , the government decided that it was not prepared to take the risk of rejection by the market .
4 Essex man , despite FT editorials , was not prepared to take the risk — and pay higher taxes in the process .
5 But it was not prepared to take the pain of doing it all again and now the krone is floating free in Europe 's outer space just like the pound .
6 Moderator between the eligibility of infant bap fo infant baptism and the confirmation service I find myself unclear , what do we do with children who are unbaptised say between the ages of three and twelve , whose parents are not ba themselves church members and who are not prepared to take the promises for them ?
7 I ca n't smell petrol , and I 'm pretty certain she 'd have blown already if she was going to , but I 'm not prepared to take the chance .
8 I 'm not prepared to take the risk . ’
9 ‘ No politician likes leaving an election campaign in full swing , but Britain 's farmers and fishermen expect me to do the job I was appointed for and I am not prepared to take the risk of measures hostile to the UK getting through because I am not there , ’ said Mr Curry , who is defending a 17,000 Conservative majority .
10 At the fall Satan was not able to take the world by force .
11 I think if , if you are going to be the only Chair Person then there should be a , there , there should be a , a Deputy so if you 're not able to take the chair , there is somebody else .
12 It is common to turn the bureau telephone answering machine on with the recorded message that an adviser is not available to take the call and the potential client should call again later or come in person to the bureau .
13 Let the children be satisfied first ; it is not fair to take the children 's bread and throw it to the dogs ( Mark 7:27 ) .
14 As an ex-naval coxswain I was not obliged to take the Mountbatten course but did in fact take a refresher course at the Command Navigation Centre , HMS Raleigh at Torpoint which , under the auspices of a Lieut Commander fresh from training at Dartmouth Naval College , I found very arduous .
15 In his 1956 speeches Khrushchev placed new emphasis on the ’ peaceful road' to socialism which , it was asserted , might be taken by those of the newly independent and underdeveloped states which , albeit not ready to take the fully socialist road , were nevertheless ‘ anti-imperialist ’ in orientation .
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