Example sentences of "not [adv] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You could not properly take account of my experience of separatism without acknowledging my feelings of being swept away by this sort of fervour .
2 As noted earlier , we should not perhaps take labels too seriously .
3 How could he possibly think such a thing about her — that she would not only take drugs herself , but that she 'd willingly put him in horrific danger by acting as a kind of double agent ?
4 Increasingly , then , when we examine social change in rural England we must not only take account of changes within agriculture but of changes on the interface between the ‘ truly rural ’ ( i.e-agricultural ) inhabitants and the ‘ adventitious ’ population of ex-urbanite newcomers who have moved into the countryside in such large numbers since the war .
5 ‘ Oh , ’ said McAllister demurely , ‘ he may organise us and look in occasionally , but he does not exactly take part , you know . ’
6 Can you not just take John 's now ?
7 However , specific faith-sharing and prayer group activities are more relevant in retreat settings and will not normally take place in the classroom where the focus is predominantly educational in nature .
8 No , a childminder can not normally take care of a sick child — it 's not fair on the other children in her care .
9 Blackwood 's did not normally take guests with neither luggage nor reservation , but losing one 's luggage and forgetting one 's hotel , and because of a British airline …
10 Intercourse did not usually take place until marriage was promised , and marriage failed to take place usually because of job difficulties on the part of the man .
11 Simply your inability to accept that your wishes do not always take precedence over other people 's ?
12 Direct action did not always take place under the aegis of CND .
13 Furthermore , although delinquency is invariably a group activity it does not always take place within organised delinquent gangs , which is the basis of Cohen 's theoretical approach .
14 Admissions do not always take place in ideal circumstances , especially where a crisis has arisen .
15 Many of the benefits of programmes , or decision units , were unable to be quantified so that the ranking process could not always take place .
16 It is one of the quirks of modern society that even when acts are passed by Parliament and signed by the Sovereign , they do not always take effect .
17 National guarantees can not possibly take account of this variation , and standards can often only be met at a cost elsewhere .
18 This is clearly er erm a situation where erm we must not knowingly take business which we have not enjoyed before at a price below
19 I did not often take part in the passeggiata because soon after school ended I had to go home on the tram , but sometimes a schoolfriend of mine called Wilma used to invite me to stay the night if there was a lot of homework to be done .
20 Electrical retailer Rumbelows said last week it would not now take Unit 12 , one of the larger shops in the centre , after the national chain announced it would streamline its business and close several shops around the country .
21 And there is strong talk in France that the Longines Classic , which had an October date , will not now take place .
22 Cancellation due to a broken engagement : Mr and Mrs Charles Brown announce that the marriage of their daughter Jennifer to Mr John Smith which was arranged for June 2 , 1922 will not now take place .
23 And in it the wonderful words : ‘ will not now take place … ’
24 ‘ … will not now take place . ’
25 Demesne Road in the town , will not now take place .
26 But Maurice Denham , council property manager , said the hearing at the Court of Appeal in London was postponed and will not now take place for months .
27 A journalist , for example , or a first aid attendant , or a person acting as an ‘ observer ’ for an organisation such as the N.C.C.L. does not really take part in the event itself , although he may occasionally make the police task of keeping order more difficult .
28 It has been a matter of controversy whether the non-associative kinds of learning are really learning at all , and if so , whether they do not really take place by the same general mechanisms as associative learning .
29 Continuing his tour of crowned heads , Napoleon III went from Stuttgart to Weimar , where he met Franz-Joseph of Austria , but the encounter seems to have been no more than a routine courtesy call between sovereigns and the fact that it did not even take place in Vienna underlined the private nature of the meeting .
30 Eqn ( 3.56 ) is complicated enough and that does not even take account of the finite diameter of the wire .
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