Example sentences of "not [be] a bad " in BNC.

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1 A picture that affects one thus can not be a bad picture .
2 A short spell of hard work in quiet surroundings would not be a bad thing .
3 Some sections of the Trades Union Congress still felt that the central problem of the inter-war years was unemployment and that , in a way , a slow down in population would not be a bad thing .
4 Might not be a bad idea , anyway .
5 One said : ‘ It might not be a bad idea if it was all to come out .
6 This may , or may not be true ; and true or not , it might not be a bad thing if many leading corporations were socialized , just to see if our needs were better served .
7 That would , however , Jam inclined to think not be a bad thing for our Party and a good thing for the Nation .
8 But it might not be a bad idea to go down that route to see if we can we can see if it can be exploit it at this stage because we have discussed , and I know this is getting off the the the the agen
9 It might not be a bad day .
10 All the same , Connor suggested to him privately that it might not be a bad idea for him to learn something about the art of self-defence , and offered to give him some lessons .
11 By itself this might not be a bad thing , but elderly inmigration has tended to be accompanied by youthful outmigration , leading to a deteriorating age-sex structure .
12 ‘ If we had to wait three months for this money , then fill in a new form to open a different account , just like a new investor in fact , it would not be a bad idea to see if any other society was offering a better rate than the 8.85 per cent offered by ‘ Prime Gold ’ .
13 ‘ It might not be a bad notion , though , to spirit the Teller out of the Rorim soon after the feasting is over .
14 He 's 57 , his Forest team is in a mess and his audience might soon start to think : ‘ Yes , it might not be a bad idea if old big head did hang up his boots . ’
15 A canon may not be a bad thing in itself , but within the institution it is worthwhile for both staff and students to ask why we are studying these texts ?
16 We had some anecdotal evidence from the Home Secretary that one or two prison governors whom he happened to run into in recent weeks said that the Bill might not be a bad thing .
17 That may not be a bad thing .
18 but whether we want at the end of it to have another water seminar , looking instead of extraction side but what the water companies are doing with our rivers it might not be a bad idea as part of er producing a considered view later on in the year but I do n't , I do n't think we can hurry this as there 's a lot of lessons to be learnt and I I do n't think we should do the work in the Fire and Public Protection Committee erm in getting our erm eyes taken off the dealing with the actual problem at the moment , we want to look , step , step back and say well what what was the cause of all that , but I do support erm proposal that we should have it listed as er
19 Even so , the plan might not be a bad one .
20 Well that might not be a bad idea to get the cuttings now because er that lot will be cheaper than
21 " Nowhere , " she said , but her mother always knew when she was lying because she had n't been a bad liar in her time herself , and it took one to know one .
22 Yeah , so , it has n't been a bad day , it 's been quite nice
23 It might n't be a bad idea if it was .
24 I 'm directing his energy and he 's bringing out the humour in me , at last , which ca n't be a bad thing . ’
25 GETTING your car clamped need n't be a bad thing .
26 They are waymarking routes which are well graded and not too difficult — an increase in facilities will take people off the roads which ca n't be a bad thing .
27 Goibniu was still studying the drawings and thinking that Reflection , greedy creature , would surely not be able to resist them and that it might n't be a bad idea to revive the ancient traditional dish of roast Gnome for the wedding feast , which would save them having to pay the Gnomes anything .
28 That ca n't be a bad start .
29 Which would n't be a bad thing , I guess . ’
30 The hint behind this phrase is that it would n't be a bad idea to talk to the customer , talk to the client .
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