Example sentences of "not [be] assume that " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
2 It must not be assumed that the absence of a 24-hour rhythm in newborn babies means that they have no rhythms at all .
3 Most important , given that a rogue GMO in the environment might continue to reproduce and spread , it can not be assumed that any system of regulation can adequately guard against an environmental catastrophe .
4 Besides , the causes of some 60% of birth defects have yet to be discovered : it can not be assumed that all of them travel down only the female line .
5 It must not be assumed that the most likely date is in the centre of the range ; to quantify the distribution of the calendar dates , one of the probability methods ( which require computerisation ) must be used .
6 It should not be assumed that relationships between the Board and the District were adversarial or competitive at that time .
7 She is right to draw our attention to the importance of signalling in both ‘ actual living and theatre ’ , but it should not be assumed that the same kinds of signs are employed in these two contexts .
8 Since any comprehensive peace implies a reduction of influence by , and local dependency on , the superpowers , it can not be assumed that either superpower has a strong interest in a genuine peace , unless it is able to derive greater advantage from peace than it can from continued conflict .
9 It is rather that the whole point of a national curriculum will be lost if it can not be assumed that children at 11 will be ready for whatever is the generally agreed content of the first year at secondary school .
10 It can not be assumed that women over 65 would have had an adequate screening history and therefore can be forgotten , or that there is no point in regular follow-up of older patients .
11 Of course , it should not be assumed that prescribing of psychotropic medication for such problems actually causes patients to take overdoses .
12 However , it is worth noting that this task of leading housegroups is one of the most difficult in the whole church and it should not be assumed that everyone will be able to do it .
13 It should not be assumed that there will never be circumstances when , notwithstanding the new CGT rules , someone domiciled and resident in the UK should set up an offshore trust .
14 However , it is worth emphasising that the stages and the measures on which they are based are derived from a grammatical description and that , in the case of children with language difficulties , it can not be assumed that structurally based measures are predictive of functional skills ( Blank et al .
15 If a person intends doing someone harm , it can not be assumed that s/he displays a disdain towards humanity , although it is clearly directed towards the particular intended victim .
16 Even so , it should not be assumed that the abolition of public examinations would necessarily put an end to transmission styles of teaching .
17 It should not be assumed that such an argument was merely a cloak for self-interest and greed .
18 Although he was paid a handsome salary by GE to be a morale booster and public relations spokesman , it should not be assumed that his role was merely that of a glad hander , a retired film star capitalizing on a fading reputation .
19 The defection of southern Democrats was essential , but it should not be assumed that this came about automatically , As Stockman makes clear , a whole series of ad hoc coalitions involving many unreliable allies had to be painstakingly constructed .
20 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
21 But even if that is held to be culpable ignorance , it can not be assumed that if the voters did know of those plans or intentions they approved of them .
22 Although owning a car is common today , it must not be assumed that all nurses can provide their own transport .
23 It can not be assumed that in all cultures and historical epochs the expression of disparaging remarks about other peoples creates a bad impression .
24 Similarly , it should not be assumed that the discovered attitude is necessarily any ‘ truer ’ than the preceding one , rather as if an unconscious motivation had been dragged from the gloom of the id into the bright light of the ego .
25 Although the artefact may stand for a particular form of production , it can not be assumed that it will do so , or that the divisions which appear as significant from one perspective upon modern society will necessarily emerge as the major dimensions of differentiation in the object world .
26 This suggests that in studies of material representation it should not be assumed that the consumption of a given group will be represented as a coherent and consistent set of forms .
27 However , at present it must not be assumed that sales always produce immediate problems .
28 In addition , it should not be assumed that long-term trends in income distribution continue forever : there is evidence that recent years have seen significant changes in these trends in Britain .
29 However , the position taken by the Court of Appeal loses much of its force if it can not be assumed that the House would have taken non-certified points of appeal had they been raised .
30 So also , it must not be assumed that Ministers and civil servants regard judicial decisions as necessarily embodying the ultimate wisdom , especially where those decisions limit their powers .
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