Example sentences of "not [verb] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But he was n't very good , and even to please her ( which was his only motive for practising ) he could not make himself into a musician .
2 The patient keeps his hands clasped together throughout the active parts of the transfer , so that he does not throw himself off balance by reaching out to grab the carer or the arm of the chair .
3 He applied for a post in the service of the archduke : but Ferdinand was advised by his mother not to burden himself with such ‘ useless creatures who travel around all over the place , like beggars ’ .
4 Devon Malcolm was not sparing himself on a pitch which was offering help to all the bowlers but Waugh seemed to have a ridiculous amount of time to ease him through the leg field twice in an over for two of his 10 boundaries .
5 The ideal needs integrity , however , for a citizen can not treat himself as the author of a collection of laws that are inconsistent in principle , nor can he see that collection as sponsored by any Rousseauian general will .
6 Robin Smith does not regard himself as an automatic selection for this summer 's campaign against Pakistan , despite winning the Cornhill player of the year award .
7 Ludens was a historian , but certainly did not regard himself as a Jewish historian .
8 He did not broadcast himself until the Saturday evening ( K May ) , and then used much less provocative language than most of his colleagues would have chosen .
9 For his part the president , as he tries to get the cooperation he needs , will not restrict himself to offering inducements .
10 Shah Jehan , not contenting himself with the women he had in his palaces , forfeited the respect of his nobles by intrigues with their wives …
11 He does not confine himself to ‘ organs of extreme perfection ’ , but also describes , as he believes , maladaptive overdevelopments ( Irish elk ) , nonadaptive organs , useless incipient stages .
12 Baldwin did not confine himself to Rothermere :
13 Owen also does not confine himself to writing only one type of poem but uses many different kinds so to appeal to more people .
14 Despite the fact that he had not committed himself to the rising until the last moment , he was quickly consolidating the initiative he had taken in Morocco and was emerging as its sole leader .
15 Hamad Hasan did not describe himself as a free Zuwayi , but his ventures into gardening and trade , and his use of his agricultural knowledge and skills , were characteristic activities of free men .
16 That was how he worked , but in this case he could not free himself of the notion that although Francis was the victim he might not be the central figure .
17 ‘ And I shall tell you , my Lord Coroner , how Edmund Brampton , steward to Sir Thomas Springall , did not hang himself in the garret of that house in Cheapside ! ’
18 In particular , he urges his disciple not to become anxious about his failures and not to strain himself in his quest for perfection .
19 I hope that he now applies himself to them , because he has not applied himself to the rest of his portfolio .
20 The work begins in classic Hegelian style : ‘ Mental life begins with an undifferentiated state in which the Ego and its objects are not yet distinguished ; consciousness is filled with impressions and perceptions while the bearer of these contents has still not detached himself from them ’ ( 1978 : 63 ) .
21 Throughout his career , Gaunt was conspicuous for his loyalty to the king , and even when Richard II spurned that loyalty for a time , Gaunt did not associate himself with opposition to the court .
22 Mr Romiti , the ruthlessly effective chief executive who was their main target , did not present himself in court .
23 He did not believe himself to be any the wiser as regards the reason for it not firing , but he thought he might as well try again .
24 He does not believe himself to be guilty of murder , and yet he now faces between and fifteen years ' imprisonment .
25 A thumbnail sketch by a friend brings Fénéon to life : ‘ He did not thrust himself upon you .
26 He felt confused beneath Cornelius 's unwavering stare , unsure whether he had not betrayed himself by patting his pocket to check if the photographs were still there .
27 Unfortunately , her husband could not reconcile himself to having married a commoner and even taught their sons to be disrespectful to her when they were young .
28 Luke would have said that politically he stood way to the left of his mother and way , way to the left of his father , but somehow he could not reconcile himself to the thought of his mother stocking shelves in Pricewell 's .
29 He could well have been called a victim , and his book consigns itself , as Fraser 's does , to that large literature in which the sufferings of victims are recounted : but he does not see himself as a romantic orphan .
30 Scotland 's record-breaking captain does not see himself as a future Scottish Rugby Union president .
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