Example sentences of "not [noun] [unc] fault " in BNC.

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1 This is not Norma 's fault , she 's probably quite a nice dear who never wanted the fame , never wanted a prime minister for a husband , just wanted to get on with the washing up back in Huntingdon .
2 It is not wholly surprising , and is certainly not W. 's fault , that she remained in the grip of the disease , gradually losing weight or that on one occasion she used violence towards a member of the staff in circumstances which led to the police being called .
3 This was not Dickens ' fault that he changed the ending , he was practically forced to do it by a friend .
4 One night , long after the senator had chartered Wavebreaker , I had defended him to Ellen , saying that it was not Crowninshield 's fault that he had been born to wealthy parents , and that he had used his wealth well .
5 Now , coiled here , she thought it was not Phoebe 's fault , it was the dullness of being an adult ; it was the natural flavour of the world once one had said goodbye to childhood .
6 It was not Dubroca 's fault that the story gathered momentum and became a headline in the English-speaking media for nearly two weeks while the World Cup bandwagon was still rolling on .
7 A Russo-American expedition heads for Jupiter and the abandoned spaceship Discovery , the murderous but deactivated HAL computer ( not HAL 's fault he turned nasty , he was driven mad by security regulations ) , and the lurking black monolith which sent astronaut Bowman through that lengthy light-show and metamorphosis into mystic star Child .
8 Not Byrkin 's fault that the mutiny disease had swept the cramped quarters of the lower decks .
9 She reminded herself that it was not Paul 's fault ; and yet , somehow , he should have been able to shield her from this kind of outrage .
10 Not Charity 's fault .
11 It was n't Dana 's fault if Roman preferred her to her twin ; he had wanted Claudia , but once had been enough .
12 ‘ It was n't Trev 's fault .
13 It was n't IMP 's fault , or hers , that he had started at Jerez in third position , but she 'd been a convenient whipping-boy for his suspicions .
14 It was n't Brian 's fault , he could n't really help the fact that he did n't fit in , that he looked , well … strange , or that he was at the back of the queue when the brains were handed out .
15 ‘ That was n't Father 's fault ! ’ she said defensively .
16 It was n't Sky 's fault that the Premier League football on display represented the biggest mis-use of the word ‘ premier ’ since Adam and Eve learnt how to spell .
17 And it was n't Sky 's fault that I used to watch better football at Barnet for exactly the same price as the weekly rental price of a satellite dish .
18 were n't Bill 's fault
19 It was n't Dawn 's fault .
20 I 'm worried that Wilko has put a distance between the fans and the team by selling popular players too often , though obviously Batty is a case in point and that was n't Howard 's fault .
21 It was a bitter summary of their unhappy affair , but compunction ensued , because it was n't Luke 's fault that he could n't love her , even if he had no right to despise her , so she added neutrally , ‘ There 's a Chinese tea-house or tea-garden — I 'm not sure what it 's really called — not far from here that intrigues me , and I 've been wanting to go and find out what it 's all about ever since I first passed it .
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