Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb -s] to have [been] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There seems to have been no clear trend in earnings over the period up to the rapid triumph of machine spinning after 1800 ; in the West of England rates per pound of wool spun were only marginally higher in the 1770s than in the century 's first decade .
2 Although it is smaller , Phaistos has an additional court , the Peristyle Court , to the north of the Central Court : there seems to have been no comparable courtyard at Knossos .
3 In Devon and Cornwall indeed there seems to have been a long tradition of piratical and privateering activity in addition to legitimate trade , which may well have laid the foundation for the activities of seamen from this part of the country in the Elizabethan age ( 63 , pp.159–60 ) .
4 To judge from what little evidence survives , there seems to have been a strong dynastic element involved in Zealot leadership .
5 Despite attempts to recommend local materials , the per capita costs of the scheme were also high and there seems to have been a certain ‘ willing suspension of disbelief ’ about the local capacity to provide replacements for all the goodies originally supplied by UNICEF .
6 While there seems to have been a major but largely unmeasured swing to Labour during the war , the pre-war electoral situation revealed no great reaction against the National government .
7 As we shall see in chapter 27 , in recent years there seems to have been a greater willingness in the Western liberal democracies to take action outside the normal channels of group and party politics .
8 From that time onward the flow of migrants from the West Indies to Britain has declined steadily : recently there seems to have been a net outflow .
9 Although Hogarth called Ramsay ‘ Phizmongers ’ and ‘ another face painter from abroad ’ , there seems to have been a genuine mutual regard between them , and their combined efforts literally changed the face of British portraiture .
10 There seems to have been a subsequent change of emphasis as evidenced by Minister of State Angela Rumbold 's speech at the Industrial Society in December 1989 .
11 Additionally , and of equal significance , is the fact that within the overall blood taboo context there seems to have been a clear and hierarchical distinction made between male blood and female blood .
12 The Conservatives went into the campaign in a worse position than when they lost to Labour under Harold Wilson in 1964 , and that position , if anything , deteriorated , yet there seems to have been a last-minute surge in the Tories ’ favour .
13 One aspect of the changing nature of local government since the early 1970s seems to be that various local government agencies have taken on this role in one way or another , to the extent that there seems to have been a marked change in relations between those agencies and business interests at local level .
14 Notwithstanding all the excitement and positive feelings generated by the participating women — bonds were established , friendships formed — there seems to have been a deliberate silence from the media , including feminist arenas .
15 Since the death of Stalin there seems to have been a conscious attempt to ensure that legal principles are adhered to and even the KGB appeared to make efforts to observe legality ( Hough and Fainsod , 1979 , pp. 278–84 ) .
16 In the fourteenth century there seems to have been an unfortified village on the site , but by the end of the thirteenth even that had gone .
17 These sites , in their simplest form , betray little or no development away from the main frontages and there appears to have been no obvious urban focus within the plan .
18 This was in The New English Weekly , a London journal of very limited circulation ; there appears to have been no comparable acknowledgement in the poet 's native land .
19 In respect of the inquiry into Leicestershire county council , in general there appears to have been a major cover-up by those responsible for the care and welfare of these children .
20 There appears to have been a greater interest in orthogenesis in the earlier part of this century and writers such as Berg considered the subject in some depth .
21 There appears to have been a general feeling among them that there was no real problem on this score .
22 In the first few years of the informal concordat under the RAC , there appears to have been a tacit agreement that in Cambridgeshire the WEA attempted to provide few courses , largely it is thought because of its financial problems .
23 There appears to have been a certain degree of retrenchment after the initial enthusiasm , with overseas securities standing at around 45 per cent of the total at the end of 1988 .
24 There appears to have been a colonnaded pronaos in front with a wide intercolumniation .
25 There appears to have been a substantial number of ‘ rank and file ’ supporters scattered across the whole of both Galilee and Judaea .
26 The cause of the problem with Mirror Group pensioners is all too clear ; There appears to have been a massive fraud , perpetuated under the very eyes of the trustees .
27 Clearly there appears to have been a significant increase in activity across all age groups , but especially among the older age groups .
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