Example sentences of "[been] [v-ing] their [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But in promoting it to MPs we 've been drawing their attention to the kinds of organizations which in turn in their eyes just sort of represent that pyramid or structure of votes that .
2 Writers and actors have been pledging their support at the start of National Library Week .
3 For weeks prior to this , provincial and national newspapers had been expressing their outrage at the title of the album .
4 Throughout the week the pupils of the council 's art class in Ballyclare High School and their tutor , Di Whitla , have been exhibiting their work in the Town Hall .
5 The thieves have been forcing their way into the homes of elderly people , holding them down while searching for their savings .
6 THE FRENCH have been shifting their money from the stock market into Paris property , according to Donnelle Higbee , who runs Hampton 's Paris office .
7 Sensitive to the disastrous marketing implications of such a move ( imagine needing a prescription for your favourite skin cream ) manufacturers have recently been shifting their attention to the uppermost levels of the epidermis where any improvement in texture or tone , no matter how impressive , is still deemed to be ‘ cosmetic ’ .
8 It it means that they have n't been doing their duty in the winter then .
9 CHARLES DARWIN opened a can of worms which have been crawling their way up the evolutionary ladder of history ever since .
10 The Irish in Britain Representation Group led a march from Whittington Park calling for the release of the Birmingham 6 and the Guildford 4 , who have been protesting their innocence for the past 14 years .
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