Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] up by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Darlington businesses have been wound up by the High Court in London .
2 She had no way of knowing that her friend had been picked up by the Communist Maquis with whom she was now living .
3 It 's worth mentioning too , that during the year , er , Dr Tim , the general practitioner , who is seconded with er , Social Services , has been doing work on hospital discharge , making sure that the arrangements are , are working , and his reports have been picked up by the respective authorities , and , er , there has er , a sort of action plan has been put together , which is , which is intended to try to improve the er , existing hospital discharge arr arrangement , making sure that people are discharged from hospital and that the er , right type of care is available for them in , in the community .
4 The friendly atmosphere of St Catherines Lodge Hotel has been built up by the present owners over many years .
5 Further proposals for defence cuts had been drawn up by the armed forces in November 1989 on Cheney 's orders , in an effort to save some $180,000 million in the period to 1994 .
6 Last week , in a stormy session , the European Parliament threw out a voluntary code proposed by officials at the European Commission , which had been drawn up by the baby-food companies themselves .
7 The elections were to a 360-member House of Representatives as stipulated under the Constitution which had been drawn up by the military and promulgated in December 1991 [ see p. 38681 ] .
8 A detailed recruitment strategy has been drawn up by the National Executive Committee , which was discussed and agreed at the March Council meeting .
9 Plans to charge businesses for the pollution of Britain 's waterways have been drawn up by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) for implementation in July .
10 A new organization , the World Industry Council for the Environment ( WICE ) , has been set up by the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ) to lobby on environmental issues for business interests .
11 These emphases were repeated by Konstantin Chernenko , particularly in his address to the commission that had been set up by the Central Committee to prepare a revised programme .
12 A ZANLA terrorist had risen out of the bushes with a Kalashnikov while Mike had been involved in an ambush on the Limpopo river which had been set up by the Selous Scouts , the counterinsurgency tracking teams of the Rhodesian army .
13 Monica rang lawyers at the Vicariate of Solidarity , which had been set up by the Catholic Church in 1975 and was by now Chile 's leading human rights organization .
14 A committee of experts has been set up by the Russian Ministry of Culture to look into the problem of such articles within its borders .
15 Our own central social services inspectorate will be not only carrying out its own inspections , but also checking on the quality and systems of the arm's-length inspectorates that have been set up by the local authorities .
16 The NF-Environnement label has been set up by the National Consultative Committee for " Ecoproduct " Labelling , under chairmanship of MP Alain Brune .
17 CW said that we had only just discovered how inefficiently the network had been set up by the previous company , and that the speed would be substantially improved by the network upgrade .
18 Alp Action has been set up by the Geneva-based Bellerive Foundation , under the chairmanship of Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan .
19 If , however , there was any way in which the necessary conditions for cumulative selection could have been set up by the blind forces of nature , strange and wonderful might have been the consequences .
20 It is only too easy to forget that there was a time when the fragile flower of Glasgow culture might just as easily have been swept up by the great philistine scaffy man of indifference .
21 ‘ Would it be too suspicious-sounding to ask where we 're going ? ’ she enquired huskily , after a few miles had been gobbled up by the powerful car .
22 She had n't realised how quickly the stock had been gobbled up by the hungry flames .
23 Within seconds , the sing-song chant had been taken up by the vast majority .
24 The Fraternity was disbanded , but many of its ideas and methods have been taken up by the new women 's organizations formed in the 1970s .
25 A Pensioners ’ National Appeal had been taken up by the Daily Dispatch in 1938 and Ritchie Calder 's articles in the Daily Herald , ‘ Life on 10/ a Week ’ , provided a further boost for the 1939 agitation with their Orwellian revelations .
26 DET expenditure on black education has certainly risen very significantly during the 1980s , with per capita expenditure for all educational levels rising from 176 rand per pupil ( 1988 rand ) in 1980/81 to 595 rand in 1987/88 , though much of this increase had been taken up by the rising bill for teachers ' salaries .
27 These proposals have been taken up by the public transport pressure group Transport 2000 in a campaign , launched in 1988 , called ‘ Feet First ’ .
28 The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution , which has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang .
29 The most detailed of these came from Wilshere , who said that most of the time had been taken up by the medical evidence — summarised with a wealth of detail ( which will not be repeated here ) .
30 The idea has been taken up by the British Library , and by Scottish university libraries , though no dramatic results appear to have been registered so far as acquisition practice is concerned .
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