Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So our boards , sails , operating methods , safety boats and staff have been examined and approved by the highest UK national authority .
2 No. 7 Charlotte Square has been furnished and decorated in the style of the eighteenth century .
3 It is obvious that the genes themselves had not been blended and passed through the F1 generation to the F2 generation unaffected .
4 Carpal tunnel syndrome has recently been recognized and added to the list of prescribed industrial diseases but only when linked to vibrating hand tools .
5 One suggestion has been that the Government would agree to amendments in December 1991 , with the reservation that these would not be binding upon the United Kingdom unless and until they had been ratified and approved by the United Kingdom parliament .
6 The graves contained the bodies of up to 200 policemen , many of whom had been blindfolded and shot in the back of the head , who were presumed to have been amongst the 600 captured by the LTTE on June 11 [ see above ; pp. 37529-30 ] .
7 He was a distant cousin to James IV but his father had been exiled to France so he had been reared and educated in the French fashion .
8 Her hair had been plaited and coiled at the back of her head , but there was no mistaking her for Han .
9 It began among the casuals and spread rapidly to the inmates and staff , so that by mid-February 22 cases had been diagnosed and transferred to the smallpox hospital .
10 Le Monde , France 's daily newspaper of record , has been redesigned and relaunched with the help of a Fr25m advertising campaign which proclaims : ‘ Le Monde is changing . ’
11 The software has been developed and tested with the aid of data derived from laboratory experimental apparatus designed to investigate rock-water reactions at elevated temperature and pressure ( 200°C , 300 bars ) under fluid-flow conditions .
12 A method for transforming the field intensity anomalies , which are scalar quantities , into estimates of the vector field anomalies has been developed and applied to the data for Bathgate .
13 A new four-channel engine immobiliser system has been developed and added to the range .
14 By 1968 four Board of Trade advance factories had been developed and allocated on the Bassington Estate .
15 Acyclovir has been developed and marketed by the Burroughs Wellcome company , and while it is certainly not an anti-viral panacea it is proving of definite benefit in the treatment of herpes virus infections .
16 Systems of treatment based on simple clinical signs have been developed and validated for the management of respiratory infections .
17 This model has been developed and validated over the past four years by a research team at Loughborough University through extensive experimentation .
18 The programs we use to produce it have been developed and improved over the last few years .
19 For instance , in Photo Productions Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [ 1980 ] AC 287 a clause in a contract for the provision of security services provided that : under no circumstances will [ Securicor ] be responsible for any inujurious act or default by any employee … unless such act or default could have been foreseen and avoided by the exercise of due diligence on the part of [ Securicor ] ; nor in any event , shall [ Securicor ] be held responsible for … any loss suffered by [ the client ] through fire …
20 An hour after the French Dragoon Sergeant and his horse had been broken and flensed by the canister another cavalryman rode into the bright midsummer sunshine .
21 He should have sent the child to me from the moment she could feed herself , Roirbak thought , sure Ari had been contaminated and spoiled by the life she 'd led at Taler 's Bump .
22 More recently , they have been amended and supplemented by the Single European Act , signed in 1986 , and still more recently , though subject to ratification , by the Treaty on European Union , signed at Maastricht in February 1992 .
23 Hardly any of the studies of the crisis go on to consider why the National Government broke the specific pledges upon which it had been formed and went to the country as a government in an election which bore some considerable resemblance to the ‘ coupon election ’ of 1918 .
24 These were not new things in England , but they had not previously been justified and defended by the prevailing philosophy .
25 Numerous items of correspondence have been received and sent by the tennis action committee but there is no progress to report .
26 The SPRs were investigated as they arrived , and one or more answering SSRs has been completed and returned to the originators of the SPRs , as well as to other users where appropriate .
27 On receipt of the claim form it should be checked for completeness and in particular that the medical declaration has been completed and signed by the Medical Practitioner .
28 Once a rug has been completed and taken off the loom , the pile is clipped to its required length .
29 One resident expressed concern about the number of water hydrants but the site warden says provision has been checked and approved by the fire service .
30 One resident expressed concern about the number of water hydrants but the site warden says provision has been checked and approved by the fire service .
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