Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its attempt to make farmers pay for the pollution they caused had been overturned by the environmentally primitive MAFF .
2 In consequence of its importance as a relic of local industrial archaeology , the mill has been listed as a building of architectural or historic interest ( Grade II ) , a status which has not been jeopardised by the very careful treatment of the building by its present owners in their continuing programme of conversion and conservation .
3 The aristocracy — ie. titled landowners — do still exist and have been joined by the very wealthy ( through ownership or investment ) : it has been reckoned that this 1% of adult population owns one-quarter of all the wealth in Britain .
4 The perceptual side of the Umwelt has received less attention than the motor aspect , the study of animal perception ( as opposed to sensory physiology or discriminative behaviour ) having been inhabited by the explicitly anti-mentalistic bias of behaviourism .
5 Paisley 's whole career has been distinguished by a finely developed sense of symbolism and an event like the imprisonment was not to be wasted .
6 It may be that in New South Wales , Category 3 , which carries the seven-year penalty , has been constructed too broadly and that some conduct which it covers should have been placed within the more serious categories .
7 To some degree , the MDC has been placed in a particularly onerous position because of its having to compete for industrial and commercial investment with surrounding new towns and the local enterprise zone and Freeport .
8 They also tend to remain positive for a very long time , if not indefinitely , unless the infection has been treated in the very early stages .
9 My — though not necessarily her — interpretation of this observation leads me to ask whether in fact the capacity to show LTP might not be a purely artefactual phenomenon , which occurs only in animals which have been reared in the highly restricted environment of a research laboratory ?
10 The chances are that her shock has been compounded by an unexpectedly extreme reaction .
11 It 's been arranged for a very long time . ’
12 It was built in 1960 and the original leather interior has been re-upholstered in a rather fetching magenta ( plum colour to you non-artistic types ) Dralon .
13 High-precision and high-resolution geochemical mapping have been developed to a very high standard by BGS .
14 Regional geochemical studies , including high-precision and high-resolution geochemical mapping , have been developed to a very high standard by the BGS .
15 It 's great to see how the prototype has been developed into a commercially viable design .
16 Now the estate is in the hands of Dr Douglas Wise and Coldingham Loch has been developed into a very attractive fishery .
17 Anyway , the implication of my argument , and of the neurological experiments to which I have referred , is that the functions of the left side of the brain have been developed in a very special way in the human species and that this specialization is reflected in the universals of human culture , including the general structure of language , all of which are reflections of the fact that the left side of the brain operates in binary logic .
18 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
19 But as yet , however , much less attention has been given to an equally crucial dimension of local government activity — its capacity to actually achieve its policy intentions .
20 The speech , an undeniable disappointment , had indeed been given in an unusually dull monotone and at great speed .
21 I loved maths when I was at school , but I had been taught in a very formal way .
22 I in fact I 've just been shown a different copy of this , Gwen has just shown me a different copy and the colour 's is totally different , its a very , very poor erm print and , when I was looking at this through my book , the background was very strange and I felt that almost had been painted by a totally different artist , but having seen Gwin 's , er Gwen 's
23 Both accepted what might have been regarded as a rather dubious honour .
24 The research focus shifted to the role of the message in referential communication , and also to listeners who had hitherto been regarded as a somewhat passive element .
25 Gratitude to him has always been greater in the Orthodox churches of the East than in the West , where his domination of the church has often not been regarded as an altogether unmitigated good , at least in its consequences .
26 Throughout his lifetime he had been regarded as an excellently scientific psychologist who had shown that the level of a child 's intelligence has little to do with the child 's home environment ; instead it is a product of the intelligences of the child 's parents .
27 Turbulent flows have often been regarded as the most important yet least understood set of phenomena of fluid dynamics .
28 In general , however , Haycocks III has been regarded as the least important of the three reports and the difficult financial climate of the last few years has meant that its recommendations have been given a low priority .
29 On 19 July Roberts and Cross wrote to Dr John Lawrence at SWWA suggesting that the public had been exposed to a more serious hazard than had been admitted : they were told that they could meet Lawrence but he would give them no information .
30 It had been caught in the most unlikely of places , not a country location but on the High Row in the centre of Darlington ! — Mr Ken Wood with a badger poster .
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