Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 then she said they 've been down at the this time of year
2 It was n't enough ; it had n't been enough for a long time .
3 And , as I say , we 've been together for a long time and the appointment , the changeover of the appointments
4 We 've been away for a long time .
5 ‘ After all , you 've been away for a long time , and you know the old saying — ’
6 ‘ Because Shiva , his father , who 'd been away for a long time , found him in the wife 's bedroom on his return and assumed that he was her toyboy .
7 No , Lindsey told herself , as she showered and slipped into a warm towelling robe , it had actually been over for a long time .
8 The trapped feeling must have been because she had been indoors for a long time .
9 It was very good very very good for women that have been home for a long time and want to get their confidence back .
10 Daisy had been back for a long time ; she looked white and pinched .
11 I must 've been out at the wrong time .
12 I had n't been out for a long time , so I did it for the relaxation , really ! ’
13 Then she said , quietly , ‘ Yes , although I have n't been here for a long time .
14 Although I 've been here for a long time , I 've got my house , got my family here , I 've got comfortable living , although not er luxurious but er normal standard , better standard than I could have in India .
15 The hon. Gentleman must forgive me : I want to be fair to other hon. Members who have been here for a long time .
16 Marijuana , liberalism , wild living and protestation had been around for a long time .
17 As W Somerset Maugham once pointed out , short stories have been around for a long time .
18 The principles of magnetic recording had been around for a long time .
19 Modernism , by then , had been around for a long time , and much of it looked ready to be stacked away into the attic .
20 Artificial pitches have been around for a long time , and this was particularly well illustrated in Holland , where they were rolling out their red shale-type material and putting coconut matting over it 40 years ago .
21 The problem 's been around for a long time , but what 's new is that in an age when women are releasing themselves from stereotypical roles of submission , it 's the men still locked into emotionally repressive macho fantasies who are having all the problems .
22 Well I think it 's been open to any higher education institution to grab this idea because it 's been around for a long time , the great beauty of Napier is to some degree it 's a centre of excellence it 's got its B A course so has Queen Margaret but at the bottom end but why should I say the bottom end at the bottom end it 's got the B A communications course at the top end it 's got apprentice training for printers .
23 Maybe we 've just misunderstood , even though we 've been around for a long time , my own trades council in Battersea and Wandsworth celebrated its hundredth anniversary this year .
24 Is this a new disease , something we 've discovered recently , or has it been around for a long time ?
25 In looking for the answers , let us begin with those citizens who have been around for the longest time — the elderly and those in later middle age .
26 Grateful though he was — and there are few examples of anyone more grateful and generous than he was to those who had in any way helped him or even just been around in the bad times — he was not going to be craven or knuckle down like a goody-two-shoes .
27 But he had been there at the right time , he had acted swiftly and effectively and she was alive .
28 She felt as if she were not really there , as if she had not really been there for a long time .
29 He told me he had been there for a long time dying .
30 Er although most people think it 's been there for a long time , it has n't .
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