Example sentences of "[been] [adj] [verb] [pron] from the " in BNC.

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1 The wall opposite the sink and the window was covered with an oak dresser , very old and probably valuable , if it had been possible to remove it from the wall without its collapse , and the original row of bells still hung over the door each with its Gothic script ; drawing room , dining room , study , nursery .
2 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
3 In the first year it had been careful to disassociate itself from the truck-driver 's pin-up image by boasting of the high social and business standing of its readers … ‘ seven corporation presidents , fourteen vice-presidents , psychiatrists , a mortician and three embalmers ’ were listed among the first subscribers .
4 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
5 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
6 With the binoculars that they carried , they must have been able to see her from the moment that she set out .
7 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
8 She had n't been able to read anything from the ice-chips that stared back at her .
9 I doubt I 'd have been able to hear anything from the gallery . ’
10 It had been his only relationship , a habit of natural loyalty founded in his childhood , further cemented by the dependence of the field officer on his Control , and never questioned in its foundations … perhaps because , in accepting the Colonel as his father-figure , he had been able to protect himself from the manner of his real father 's death .
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