Example sentences of "[been] [verb] from a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For his part , Gould has voiced a degree of scepticism about Europe that has not been heard from a Labour frontbencher for many a long year , and has rescued ‘ devaluation ’ from the party 's dictionary of forbidden words .
2 The most successful placement programmes to date have been developed from an identifiable need and developed into an accessible package which is clearly targeted with a prescribed framework e.g. Women in Management , Transition from School to Work , Information Technology .
3 This theory , which has been developed from an extensive survey of landscape paintings , argues that landscapes are highly symbolic habitats in which the most valued landscapes allow us to see ( prospect ) without being seen ( refuge ) and therefore relate to our origins as hunter-gatherers .
4 The research vessel Scotia has been diverted from a scheduled cruise to collect extra samples in the area — the Fladen Ground , south east of Fair Isle .
5 The small pipe has been formed from a flat sheet of bronze , the seam incorporates a plain butt joint , and there is a crudely formed inscription : 32TP1 .
6 It shows that the total cost was to be 11650 and that a Grant of £300 had been received from a private Debt Extinction Fund subscribed by a few individuals to assist poor congregations .
7 Representations have been received from a former employee of Gwynedd county council and from hon. Members .
8 Indeed on the nineteenth of January the Noble Earl Lord told me that of the three hundred and sixty letters which had been received from a wide variety of organisations representing people of totally different political opinions and that following the publication of the White Paper .
9 We have been programmed from an early age to rush our activities and are only interested in the end product .
10 Suddenly she was feeling as though she 'd been dropped from a great height .
11 Police reports alleged that raids on Ershad 's residence after his arrest on Dec. 12 [ see p. 37907 ] had revealed assets in excess of those which could have been expected from a presidential income , as well as large quantities of unlicensed firearms .
12 Subsequently another volume of poems , several notebooks , and a book of liturgical devotions were discovered ; in 1964 the discovery of a manuscript of Select Meditations was announced ; and in 1982 a large manuscript entitled Commentaries of Heaven , which had been rescued from a burning rubbish tip in south Lancashire about 1967 , was identified as Traherne 's .
13 Judge Sirica 's doubts were confirmed when McCord admitted in March that the defendants had lied at the trial , that they had received payments of over $200 000 to keep quiet and that this had been done from a high level in the White House .
14 The celebrity was a monosyllabic professional footballer who had been transferred from a Scottish club to a fashionable one in London .
15 But her terrifying three-hour ordeal ended when police overpowered Khamton Omvaree , in his thirties — who had just been freed from a 10-year sentence under a royal amnesty .
16 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
17 He ends by dismissing abstract art as leading , by its own logic , back to the blank canvas which once again requires the painter to put something on it : ‘ but with the knowledge that the greatest painting has always been made from a real love of the object ’ .
18 Secondary wax models may have been made from a durable master model ( Holmqvist 1972 , p. 24 ) .
19 ( 3 ) When looking at clauses which require compliance with time limits ( eg a time limit for notifying a warranty claim after a defect is discovered in goods supplied under the contract ) the question to ask is whether the time limit has been imposed from a genuine need to protect the other party 's position , or whether it is there to make it difficult , or practically impossible , for the other party to exercise its rights under the clause .
20 Boxes and boxes of very expensive camera equipment and food supplies had been unloaded from a large helicopter in quiet astonishment by the Norwegian crew before they had abandoned us in a flurry of gravel .
21 ‘ Piano Song ’ , for instance , includes lines like ‘ My vulnerability rushes up to me ’ and ‘ The deeper I delve into the conciousness of me and you ’ , which sound as though they have been selected from a random computer-search for meaningful phrases in a dictionary of pretension .
22 He also pointed out that under item 25 Appointment of Auditors , a quotation at a much lower figure had been accepted from a new firm of Auditors .
23 The base tray is as deep as the corpse is high , the head section having been fashioned from a separate sheet of lead and soldered on to the main body of the shell .
24 The rioters appear to have been drawn from a broad cross-section of London society : the majority were wage-earners , small craftsmen and tradesmen , although there was an appreciable " white collar " or professional element , and even some gentlemen rioters .
25 The statement ‘ If rain falls on spruce forests , the rain can become even more acid ’ may have been drawn from a recent paper from the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology that certainly showed that water flowing down the stem was more acid than that caught in the open .
26 The figures are wildly optimistic , and could only have been extrapolated from a short trial of about 10 operations .
27 Once such has recently been copied from a well-known initiative in New York whereby the rehabilitation organization guarantees to the employer that an identified job will be done satisfactorily .
28 When they arrived home , Liz quickly wrote to the curator of the castle 's museum to ask for a pattern of the dress , only to be told that it had been copied from an 1898 issue of the London Illustrated News .
29 A not-so-good euphemism for someone who has tried to do him/herself in by hurling him/herself beneath a moving tube train , or someone who has been jostled from a congested platform on to the track , or some kicky kid indulging in Tube surfing-travelling outside the train and hanging on , and falling off , like John Koporo , age 11 , who in 1987 at Kilburn became the sport 's first victim .
30 Best , for example , argued that changes had been immense : " In just five years ( the NHS ) has been transformed from a classic example of an administered public sector bureaucracy into one that increasingly is exhibiting the qualities that reflect positive , purposeful management " ( Best 1987 : 4 ) .
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