Example sentences of "[been] [verb] in [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The inclusion of these provisions in the plan were referred to by Rafsanjani in a speech on Oct. 8 , when he reported that " we decided to make some amendments in the plan ( which had been completed in an earlier draft form by the previous government of Prime Minister Hossein Moussavi ) under the new atmosphere " .
2 Such systems , which are relatively cheap , have already been installed in the remoter parts of Scotland , Wales and East Anglia .
3 Numerous four-terminal networks of the passive linear type have been considered in the earlier chapters , for example , transformers , attenuators , filters and phase-shift networks .
4 Such considerations in relation to temperature alone have been considered in an earlier section .
5 Since then , two fairly closely related ( but still incompatible in some areas ) Unix standards have emerged , and many of the security and transaction processing problems associated with the Xenix dialect of Unix then in use on the Altos have been addressed in the newer Unix systems .
6 Strong opposing views had however been presented in the earlier judgment on the case .
7 The court held that the exemption clause , though it had been incorporated in the auction sales , had not been incorporated in the later sale by private treaty .
8 As has already been seen in the earlier chapters , the professions most often specified are surveyors , accountants , actuaries and engineers .
9 A LOYALIST gunman yesterday shot and wounded a Catholic man who had been disabled in an earlier murder attempt .
10 Oxygen ( O 2 ) has not been detected in the lower atmosphere , though small quantities have been detected in the upper atmosphere and result mainly from the photodissociation of CO 2 by solar uv radiation .
11 A similar conclusion had been reached in an earlier study covering the period 1952 to 1968 ( Blom-Cooper and Drewry , 1972 ) .
12 This issue has been raised in the earlier section on dependency .
13 Jack was the eldest of the family and he had been born in a smaller house , but he did n't remember it .
14 This had been proposed in an earlier draft which was condemned by journalists as seeking to introduce " curbs … such as journalists did not experience even in the days when the CPSU was all-powerful " .
15 For a long time it was felt that Agrippa was the builder , and later that his portico had been reerected in the later building .
16 The supposed decline in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere would explain why the air-breathing animals had only been created in the later stages of the earth 's history .
17 The post had been vacant since August 1991 [ see pp. 38449 ; 38399 ] and Gronkiewicz-Waltz , who had been proposed by President Lech Walesa , had been rejected in an earlier vote in December .
18 Hartley Coleridge 's comment has been mentioned in an earlier chapter , and it emphasises his industry .
19 It had previously been held in a lower court that a second computer had to be involved ( p 101 ) .
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