Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Propped up in bed to ease her breathing , her nightcap pulled down over her ears , Aunt Sarah seemed to have shrunk inside the shawls which had been heaped upon her against the chill of the room .
2 Such interests are slowly diffusing to other feminist psychologists , who have previously been distanced from them by the constraints of the mainstream discipline .
3 Luke was in command and this time instinct told Robyn there would be no withdrawal , no respite from his sexual onslaught , from the tension that had been building between them since the very first moment .
4 The deputy head took a similar view , saying that it was constructive , that good points had come out — for example , that relationships were good — and that it had been taken constructively by staff in general because all the things that had been criticized had already been criticized by them in the self-appraisal .
5 And because this technique will have been explained to him during the early part of the consultation , he will find it quite simple to do .
6 That has to have been explained to you on the phone .
7 It was here that items of the Emperor 's clothing and the superb diamond necklace which had been given to him by the Princess Borghese [ his sister , Pauline ] as well as the Landau which had escaped the Moscow disaster in 1813 ( sic ) were taken . ’
8 For he is suddenly , miraculously , aware that he has got a wonderful — no ! — a perfect alibi ; an alibi which has been given to him by the very person he has just killed .
9 From his jacket pocket Robert took out a grubby sheet of paper — the translation of the mysterious manuscript that had been given to him in the pub nearly a year ago today .
10 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
11 If we decide to extend the rents-to-mortgages scheme and to make it nationwide , we shall take steps to ensure that no recalcitrant local authority can deny people rights that have been given to them by the House .
12 Schools are having to become more complex organisations in order to meet the varied responsibilities which have been devolved to them since the Education Reform Act ( 1988 ) .
13 So much of its beauty had been stripped from it by the whipping winds .
14 Later it was found that its policies in relation to Polish territorial claims had been formulated for it by the Comintern as a way of weakening Poland .
15 The court only intervenes when the tribunal is outside the ‘ scope ’ which has been assigned to it by the legislature ; the judiciary will not intervene if the tribunal has simply made an error within its assigned area since this would eradicate the distinction between review of legality and appeal .
16 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
17 erm Has that been a concern of unions , or has it been other sorts of organisations that have been pressing for them over the years ?
18 Beside him sat a man of such immense proportions that Eddie Stratton wondered how he could ever fit into the seat that had been booked for him on the flight to Heathrow , scheduled to leave in forty minutes ' time .
19 Whatever money 's left over that 's not been committed by you , if they find that they 've got fifteen hundred say , that 's not been committed by you at the end of the financial year , that will automatically go into deposit
20 She 'd been pressured into it by the situation .
21 The comparison will not show British progress in a very nattering light , for although Traffic in Towns was a hugely influential report in its day , nothing of significance has been added to it in the UK in a quarter of a century .
22 When I go past , I wonder what has been happening to her in the intervening years , and that 's very odd . ’
23 He remained silent , watching her , and her embarrassment grew until in the end she set her glass down with a bang and in desperation said , ‘ So are you going to tell me what 's been happening to you in the last five years ? ’
24 An office has been prepared for you in the Kremlin .
25 The obelisk was nearly completed , and a place had been prepared for it near the south pylon of the Temple of Ptah ; the barge which had brought it had long since returned to the quarries upriver .
26 ‘ I 've been looking at him since the start of the season .
27 ‘ My dear , your real mother has been looking after you for the past twenty years , ’ said Miss Rose sharply .
28 The secret decision to continue production was teken by the President after several options had been presented to him by the Pentagon and the State Department .
29 He referred to the Bible that had been presented to him by the people of Memel St on July 10 at the opening of their march .
30 It had been presented to him by the City of Paris and on it were traced the lines of the new streets and boulevards which Napoleon III had worked out in conjunction with Baron Haussmann .
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