Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [prep] [art] first place " in BNC.

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1 He hated untidiness and waste ; he thought that babies who threw things from their cradles should be punished , and children who would n't eat their food should be starved until they ate what they had been given in the first place . ’
2 ‘ I was always proud to play for my country and I 'm baffled why I should have been omitted in the first place , for the linesman incident was trivial .
3 It had been included in the first place On the insistence of the republicans , who refused to march without it .
4 Perhaps radio is now fitted inside the crash helmets , I never understood why this could not have been done in the first place , along the lines of the radios issued to policemen or the earphones that , thank God , are popular with those who can not live without constant noise .
5 Graham Rowell was only concerned with how he was going to treat a condition or an injury ; he said it was n't his job to worry about how it could have been prevented in the first place . ’
6 But how do you find out about whether a planning application has been made in the first place ?
7 Prop Grant Wilson will be seeking to emulate the deeds of his Boroughmuir colleague , Peter Wright , who was also third choice in the eyes of the selectors for the French game in Paris , but who then went on to prove he should have been selected in the first place .
8 Prop Grant Wilson will be seeking to emulate the deeds of his Boroughmuir colleague , Peter Wright , who was also third choice in the eyes of the selectors for the French game in Paris , but who then went on to prove he should have been selected in the first place .
9 An accurate account would have to have regard to all those instances where a remedy has been accorded by a state party simply to forestall a successful application and to those cases , also , where breach had been avoided in the first place by reason of adjustment of procedures so as to ensure compliance with the Convention .
10 There was a problem during the er evidence to the various committees that were looking at the coal crisis and the problems in relation to coal , in that very often people were translating it into tonnage and the number of pits etcetera , whereas the argument needed to be that the rules of the game had been rigged in the first place at the privatization of electricity and the rules of the game need to be changed if we 're gon na succeed .
11 The question revolves around whether revenue should have been recognised in the first place , i.e. had a sale taken place at all .
12 And something like two million people have got to stop doing jobs they should never have been doing in the first place , like er polluting the rivers and the soil and the air , and spying on each other and contributing to the overmanning that there is in East Germany .
13 Later , in the 1860s , Persigny remarked to the Emperor that the charges on the civil list were enormous — to which Napoleon III replied that had so much money not been allotted in the first place he would have been unable to fulfil all the demands which were made upon him .
14 It 's about preventing crime , because people who are burgled would rather not have been burgled in the first place .
15 As it had never been proposed in the first place , her children could read this only as a piece of unadmitted defensiveness about having ignored them in the past .
16 As a result , the Government backed off , and the new regulation , which should never have been proposed in the first place , was ignominiously withdrawn .
17 As one villager said , perhaps the money would have been better spent ensuring it had not been dumped in the first place .
18 The anxiety is often more to do with getting rid of people who have exhausted their gifts , lost their way or , not unheard-of , should not have been appointed in the first place .
19 But as you say , switch off first and then still use a stick or something to get them away because it maybe the switch does n't work and maybe that 's why they 've been electrocuted in the first place .
20 Saddam Hussein 's decision , in compliance with UN Resolutions 664 , 667 and 674 [ see pp. 37639 ; 37759 ] , was cautiously welcomed by US President Bush , who emphasized , however , that " no single hostage should have been taken in the first place " .
21 What did he care about getting rid of the Corn Laws either — which was what the whole argument had been about — since they 'd been created in the first place for the benefit of his land-owning friends ?
22 Undoubtedly the succession was an important issue ; the terms Whig and Tory had been coined in the first place to describe different sides taken during the Exclusion controversy , whilst for a long time after the Glorious Revolution Whigs continued to be able to embarrass the Tories by alleging that their attachment to the divine-right , hereditary succession meant that deep-down they were Jacobite sympathisers .
23 Mr George Kynock reclaimed the seat most Conservatives felt should never have been lost in the first place .
24 Indeed , it was largely because of this stance of old-fashioned industrial unionism that he had been elected in the first place .
25 I realise from his point of view his company would be a quarter of a million better off if they could prove it should never have been paid in the first place , but … it is my mother he was talking about dammit ! ’
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