Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The triangular market place was tightly packed with such properties and much of the original space had been filled with permanent buildings where once only stalls had been allowed .
2 In the 1980s , Rothenberg explored the human form , which had been dismissed by early minimalists as having no new means of expression .
3 But in all cases he has been stopped by diocesan authorities as the centres are outside his parish .
4 When William Burnes died at Lochlea in 1784 , John Tennant lent a horse to help to convey his body to Alloway for burial in the grounds of Kirk Alloway and memories of Alloway and the ruined kirk must have been recalled by both families when they met on that day .
5 The variation in size would have been enormous as the existing parish councils would have been joined by such cities as Sheffield as ‘ local councils ’ .
6 This report was criticised because of the small number of patients studied and because patients had not been stabilised on each insulin before acute hypoglycaemia was induced .
7 These settings must have been intended for private use since Calvin objected to polyphony in church , but when the Lutherans adopted them , using Ambrosius Lobwasser 's translation of Marot-de Beze ( Leipzig , 1573 ) , their congregations undoubtedly sang the tunes .
8 We lesser mortals who had been banished to such places as Wolverton were , however , less fortunate .
9 Frodo indeed laughs himself : ‘ Such a sound had not been heard in those places since Sauron came to Middle-earth .
10 The EDC treaty had not been ratified by any state when the proposed Political Community treaty was published .
11 ‘ It is clear that Professor Wybran has been assassinated in cold blood because he was a Jew , ’ it said .
12 A second Gloucestershire social worker has been sacked for smoking cannabis while in charge of a group of youngsters on holiday in Devon .
13 Mrs Jonker , of Southport , said Miss Owen had been sacked for gross misconduct after written and verbal warnings .
14 Subsequent curriculum development has simultaneously reflected and led the professional work of the Division : in both full- and part-time courses , emphasis has been placed upon such areas as cost-in-use and design and management studies , by way of work activities , and computer applications and energy analysis as forward indicators .
15 Yet these farmers had usually been placed in this situation because there was no one else willing to take on the task .
16 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
17 His death would have been diagnosed as extreme negligence as although Roger did drop a huge stone on him , he did not mean to kill him .
18 The allocation of structural funds in southern Europe has been criticized on numerous occasions as causing environmental damage [ see EDs 56 ; 70 ] .
19 Recently , however , he had been criticized by fellow Republicans as ineffective at a time when education was increasingly achieving national prominence as a key domestic issue .
20 The World Bank 's failure to provide significant funding for energy conservation has been criticized by environmental groups after a report revealed that only 1 per cent of the Bank 's £1,800 million investment in third-world energy programmes was devoted to conservation .
21 Airbus Industrie rejected any suggestion that the aircraft itself was to blame , but its sophisticated " fly by wire " computer system had been criticized by some experts as over-complicated , and Indian Airlines staff complained that pilots and maintenance crew had received insufficient training on the Airbus .
22 Everything had been arranged with strict symmetry except for the giant easel standing on a square of Turkey carpet by the window , and everything , canvasses , table , marble busts , was covered with dust .
23 In particular the Bill was presented as being unopposed , but notice had not been given to affected landowners as required by Standing Orders .
24 Attention has been given to such topics as the marking of subjects for gender , the differential achievements of boys and girls , and the poor performance of secondary school girls in mathematics .
25 Less publicity has been given to this gas than to carbon dioxide .
26 RTPA 1976 is the area to which most attention has been given in this section as this is likely to be the most relevant area for readers of this book .
27 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
28 In contrast to this , I wish to argue that if disabled people display psychological abnormalities , this is because they have been socialised into such traits as a result of the ways in which society meets , or fails to meet , our needs , and that the claim that such features are a consequence of impairment is itself an aspect of the oppression of disabled people since it misidentifies , and thus does nothing to overcome , the main source of psychological distress .
29 Population decline has been halted in many areas since the mid-1960s to its present level of 346,000 , with employment in manufacturing trebling in this period and total employment growing by one-half ( Shucksmith and Lloyd 1982 ) .
30 I hope councillor has n't been puzzling about this question because I think she should have had adequate warning erm the cycling part of working party was agreed by city board on the ninth of on the seventh of December is to come to an end and such work has er relates to cycling within a new transport working party .
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