Example sentences of "for [art] meal [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Invite her for a meal sometime . ’
2 How about going out for a meal instead ? ’
3 ‘ We went for a meal instead . ’
4 Occasionally pasta or rice is used as a base for a meal rather than potatoes .
5 That way you can cook and store the right amounts for a meal just for you .
6 ‘ One does not go out for a meal just for the food , ’ he added , hardly improving the situation .
7 On free weekends he drove to Chastlecombe on a Saturday afternoon , took Leonora out for a meal somewhere , stayed the night at the Kings Arms in the town , and spent most of Sunday with Leonora before driving home to face his Monday morning clinic next day .
8 ‘ Thank you , but I do n't want to go out for a meal tonight . ’
9 But erm , I have n't seen much of her at all this week , because erm , they 've all been out , I mean , they went up to London to see Miss Saigon , and they were gon na go out for a meal up there , and
10 They had already shaken hands and been out for a meal together .
11 I had had ten for a meal about two weeks ago , so that is my entertaining DONE for a while ! ! !
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