Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they [vb base] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All cetaceans draw in fresh air through this nasal orifice down into their lungs , releasing it and drawing in a fresh supply whenever they return to the surface .
2 It means helping counsellees to recognize the situations , the events or the people that provoke stress , and how they react to the stress in their lives .
3 It is easy to understand this , but it 's not so easy to evaluate the different elements of theatre training , and see just how they contribute to the making of that elusive thing , ‘ a compleat actor ’ .
4 It is postulated that cytokines may affect colonic inflammation , but it still remains unclear how they contribute to the exacerbation of the inflammation .
5 but in the country er public transport is essential but er access to a car is ess is really essential and for those who ca n't afford it I do not know how they survive in the country .
6 But men do not want to get into demeaning details about how they help with the housework : few admit to doing the washing up .
7 We will examine its financial aims and objectives , how they impact on the finance function , some of the problems of implementation , and whether they are consistent with the changes already in hand .
8 People in universities are beginning to think about how they relate to the rest of the world .
9 Whatever measures are derived from a structured task , we are still likely to be left wondering how they relate to the language the child uses in everyday settings and it is to a consideration of procedures for sampling naturalistic language production that we now turn .
10 how they keep on the road , do n't it ?
11 With these types of horses , try to sit very lightly and note how they work on the lunge without the weight on their back compared to how they work under a rider .
12 Cats hate this and , if a new wing has been added to the home for example , will defecate on the floor of the new area , almost as a comment on how they feel about the upheaval .
13 Truth is the best basis for relationships , and successful telling seems related to how secure adopters feel as parents and how they feel about the word ‘ adopted ’ .
14 Price Waterhouse is contacting the managements of companies on the Unlisted Securities Market to find out how they feel about The Stock Exchange 's plan to close the USM and its effective merger with the Official List .
15 I want them to show me how they feel on the pitch . ’
16 Even the classical certainties of laboratory apparatus present us with a mystery when we recognise that we do not fully comprehend how they arise from the quantum substrate of which they are composed .
17 I have never bought an aspidistra in my life , and I do n't know how they accumulate on the roof — offerings , perhaps , from the garden-boy who looks after it ?
18 Unit managers want to know how the business is faring , how they compare to the rest of the company and even the rest of the world .
19 Their will be work on individual and unit skills , together with a session of fitness testing to give the players an idea of how they compare with the elite .
20 New applicants for a listing will be expected to report on how they comply with the code as part of their listing particulars .
21 Draw in the events , make a chart of how they build to the climax .
22 There are some very good science programs on TV , but others present scientific wonders simply as magic , without explaining them or showing how they fit into the framework of scientific ideas .
23 This book will of course deal with the familiar aspects of volcanoes and with the different kinds of eruptions that take place , but in addition to this , it will cover some of the quieter , less well-known aspects , and try to explain why volcanoes exist at all , why they occur where they do , and how they fit into the history of the Earth as a whole .
24 Although I shall cricitize this theory of responsibility below , we should next complete this outline of choice theories by examining how they deal with the question of what kinds of obligation should the state enforce .
25 This is not to say that man can mine coal where it does not occur geologically , or that some settlements do not originate because of the existence of some material which the inhabitants extract ; what it does mean is that people themselves determine what is exploited and how they deal with the extraction .
26 I never dared to ask , but I understand now what it is that drives addicts back to the needle time and time again whatever the cost to their health and sanity ; I understand now what the mystics lay claim to when they speak of the peace that passeth all understanding .
27 It is very difficult to predict what developments are likely in the future except for communities to realise more and more that this issue is very much part of the struggle for human rights and that perhaps the specific right to one 's mother tongue is something multilingual communities need to think about when they go to the ballot box .
28 You know when they put in the foam wall cavity you know the , when they
29 They are most active at night , when they emerge from the gravel and rocks .
30 A GALAXY of the rock world 's biggest stars will shine tonight when they appear at the pop world 's most spectacular prize giving ceremony .
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