Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he [vb -s] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 whenever he hears the seasick bell
2 Both the Secretary of State and the Prime Minister have made clear statements in the past 10 days that if the Scottish people vote for independence at the election , independence is what we shall have , but will the Secretary of State say a bit more today about how he answers the current argument about whether he has the right to run Scotland with nine Members of Parliament and , according to the latest poll , 18 per cent .
3 There now watch and see the how he misses the central reservation , those bollards .
4 Daily Telegraph cartoonist Nicholas Carland showing how he sees the Prime Minister .
5 The selectors , and Gooch himself , may see how he starts the English season or , ever the realist , he may just decide to go .
6 But , though it is heartening to find an Iranian writer bravely grappling with the problems of exile and turning a critical eye on the values of both his native and adopted countries , Mr Ataie will write better plays when he admits the theatrical importance of contradiction and argument .
7 NEWTOWNABBEY mayor Alderman Arthur Kell will send a rocket into orbit this Saturday when he lights the first firework at the Valley Leisure Centre 's annual display .
8 What a top bloke — especially in the episode nicked off Star Trek when he plays the evil Brigadier with an eye patch from another dimension .
9 CHRIS Balderstone will create history at Lord 's tomorrow when he becomes the first umpire to sit in judgement during a Test in England .
10 He suffers a first conflict of loyalties when he helps the strange man who calls himself Faraway Moses to escape from the Riders and learns that a confederacy is working in secret to reform a government that favours rich against poor , ‘ not with rifle and sword ’ , as the conspirator tells Dick , but :
11 Gin , we are told , is one of the purest spirits made , and juniper berries , the baies de genièvre or ginepro from which Geneva or gin derived its name , provide the characteristic flavouring which everyone who ever drank a glass of gin in their lives would recognize when he tastes the juniper-berry flavour in Provençal game terrines and certain Northern Italian sauces and stuffings for partridge and pheasant ; and eau de vie de genièvre is a spirit used in French and Belgian Ardennais regional cooking , so it seems extraordinary that people blanch at the suggestion that gin should go into the casseroles .
12 It is there when Orwell calls the Left ‘ Bolshevik commissars , half gangster , half gramophone , escaped quakers , vegetarian cranks and back-room Labour party crawlers ’ , or when he dismisses the Marxist dialectic as an argumentative Pea-and-thimble trick ; there again when Waugh reviews Stephen Spender 's flatulent autobiography World within World ( 1951 ) :
13 But there is a more cheerful day ahead for him next Tuesday when he introduces the last Question of Sport in the present series .
14 Will he also tell us when he expects the nuclear levy , which is still rising , to start to fall in the light of this morning 's results from Nuclear Electric ?
15 This is where he meets the beautiful Estella for the first time .
16 Now I 'm ha I 'm handing round a summary of last week 's lecture , which I hope will make more sense of it , and I have here , if anybody wants to borrow it , a Xerox of chapter three in Dorkins ' book where he explains the Blind Watchmaker , and the manual for the disk .
17 One such poem is by Wordsworth , where he repeats the old legend that if anyone approaches the Isle of Man to do it harm , a mist springs up and hides the Island .
18 I do n't know where he puts the bad ones .
19 Anderson 's occasional bursts of verbosity implicate a sudden urge to speak on a particular topic and this is most noticeable in scene four where he surprises the two footballers , Broadbent and Crisp , with a turn of 86 words giving unsolicited advice on the Czech team 's tactics ( p. 59 ) .
20 Here he spells out why he thinks the British monarchy 's days are numbered .
21 I know why he likes the photographing business .
22 For the chinless chap in his chalk-stripe blue suit , strolling to wherever he performs the daily ritual of being ‘ something in the City ’ , or the geezer negotiating the early morning traffic in from Romford in his late model Ford and Italian sweatshirt , their individual style says clearly : I am here and this is where I want to be , you can tell exactly what and where that is from looking at me .
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