Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i do [not/n't] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Looking back , I ca n't remember a time when I did n't love you .
2 And so he took her arm and pulled her into the street again and , still holding her arm , he said , ‘ And what do you think I feel like when I do n't see you and knowing you 're away dancing with that John Bennett or that Sweetman fellow ? ’
3 I discovered spots in places where I did n't think it was possible to get spots .
4 Erm , I do n't know whether th , Charlotte where I do n't want you going in the dining room lovey , I 'm sorry baby 's asleep .
5 I 'm damned if I know why I did n't tell you in the first place , back when all this started happening .
6 And that was also why I did n't leave you a note explaining what we were up to as Jeff told me to .
7 Well I think he would have enjoyed it too much to be quite honest with you that 's why I did n't do it .
8 Cos it , come out with , I did n't , it 's a , it 's not the fat , that 's why I did n't do it .
9 That would explain why I did n't recognize her .
10 ‘ That is precisely why I did n't want you to come to the hospital .
11 ‘ So now you know why I did n't want you to be known as my girlfriend , Anne .
12 Well , now you know her story , and you 'll understand why I did n't want it to happen to you .
13 Erm , I er have never known such a question asked in this council chamber where referring to members of parliament er in in er and that is why I did n't feel it necessary
14 ‘ See why I did n't mention it before ?
15 That 's also why I did n't have it made ! ’ she added comically .
16 Speaking after the election Greiner said that it was too early to assess " why I did n't get it right , and why almost no one in the community got it right " .
17 So that 's why I did n't take it .
18 ‘ But that 's precisely why I did n't introduce you to Louis , ’ Nathan reminded her smoothly .
19 I know , that 's why I did n't ask you
20 Why I did n't die I do n't know !
21 That might be why I did n't see it .
22 I ai n't got a pen that 's why I did n't fill it in .
23 I know , that 's why I do n't do it in the morning .
24 That 's the only reason why I do n't eat them Ben whe hello alright , .
25 I do n't know why I do n't eat it more often .
26 I do n't know why I do n't throw you out on to the street ! ’
27 that 's why I do n't give them like that
28 Brown : Uh … well yes because I really am talking about one-to-one stuff and that 's why I do n't think you can do what I 'm talking about in a class …
29 Why I do n't think it 's in the kitchen is it ?
30 This is why I do n't think it sensible to have a separate procedure for it , 'cos it 's so simple .
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