Example sentences of "for [art] times [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hastily scribbling out his copy for The Times on the bonnet of his car , J.N.P. Watson wrote :
2 A good example is Anderson 's study of the absolutist state in Europe , where it is observed that there is no ‘ uniform temporal medium : for the times of the major Absolutisms of Europe — Eastern and Western — were , precisely , enormously diverse …
3 An Australian schoolteacher in Hawaii wanting to write a story on the States invading Panama for The Times in London .
4 The ‘ special areas ’ legislation of the prewar national coalition government stemmed partly from a series of unsigned articles — ‘ Places without a Future ’ — which he wrote for The Times in 1934 .
5 His mills had a reputation for supplying everything from newsprint ( for The Times in the 1850s and 1860s ) to security paper , in which he built up a huge export business to Europe , the British empire , and South America for stamps and banknotes ( his customers included almost all the best-known banks ) .
6 During this period he also led the British expedition to observe the transit of Venus in Hawaii ( 1874 ) , travelled in Siberia and the Gobi desert , and reported the Russo-Turkish war for The Times in 1877 .
7 The partners also made a name for themselves in modifying , improving , and building printing machinery , especially for The Times from 1818 .
8 Much above the average in wealth for a Buckinghamshire incumbent , his estate totalling nearly £19 included £7. 1s. 4d. in ready money , a substantial amount for the times by any reckoning .
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