Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he do not [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A member of the Institute having been found to have been in breach of Bye-law 76(c) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he between 1 January 1985 and 30 March 1992 engaged in public practice contrary to Bye-law 59 when he did not hold a current practising certificate was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
2 Mr Gray said he knew of one man who had been threatened with court action for not paying his water rates when he did not receive a reminder .
3 However he did not hold the Soviet Union , a long-time Syrian ally , responsible for the exodus , saying that the relationship between Syria and the Soviet Union was " as firm as ever " , but blaming the United States " for playing a major role in the realization of Israeli desires " .
4 It is so similar to the language that he used on previous timetable motions that I do not know why he does not take a tape and mime to it .
5 Why he did not pay the full amount must remain a mystery .
6 CHANCELLOR Norman Lamont could still be quizzed by MPs on why he did not declare an £18,000 donation from anonymous Tory benefactors to help to pay a legal bill .
7 He is merely being asked why he did not discuss the matter with Lord King .
8 Explaining why he did not foresee a cut in interest rates in the near future , he said : ‘ I have to take into account the needs of savers , many of whom have been writing to me recently , the exchange rate which causes concern to some people — and I believe what people above all want is stability . ’
9 Why he did not sustain the promise of the works of the 1890s is not clear , though it is certainly connected with the change to a much more conservative and less experimental architectural climate in Britain in the 1900s , when there was a revival of baroque and French Renaissance architecture ; it may also be to do with Townsend 's own equivocal and confused attitude towards the value of architectural traditions .
10 When John confirmed his name , he was asked why he did not attend the curate 's services , to which he replied that the man had been appointed under the king 's law and not under God 's law .
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