Example sentences of "[Wh adv] the [noun] [vb -s] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , large parts of the brain are involved whenever the beaver builds a dam but , when the G mutation affects this particular part of the brain 's wiring diagram , the change has a specific effect on the behaviour .
2 Whenever the government runs a budget deficit , it will have to finance that deficit by borrowing .
3 An intelligent controller can track the position of the pen and record its location either at a fixed rate ( such as 16 times per second ) or whenever the operator presses a button .
4 So why have the people of Lauchhammer been complaining of headaches for years , whenever the wind carries a column of smoke over the town ?
5 Whenever the search selects a rule whose action is hierarchical , it sets up a new search problem , and solves it by calling search recursively .
6 ‘ Nomination ’ is the process whereby the client chooses a subcontractor to carry out specialist works under a building contract and where the contractor is obliged to employ that subcontractor .
7 ‘ It 's about how we 're living in dream time : how the past becomes a bit hazy like a dream , and how dreams and memories get mixed up — the way you sometimes think : did I dream that or was I really there ? ’
8 ‘ It 's about how we 're living in dream time : how the past becomes a bit hazy like a dream , and how dreams and memories get mixed up — the way you sometimes think : did I dream that or was I really there ? ’
9 A literary experiment changes a text and looks at how the change affects a reader .
10 I can not understand how the Government sends a man out to fight us , as it did General Miles , and then breaks his word .
11 His great literary achievement is to have found images and structures to convey theologically understood experience and to articulate with luminous clarity an understanding of how the Incarnation reveals a pattern in which all modes of human fulfilment are subsumed .
12 Use of the intelligent training system can result in significant improvements of up to 50% in speed together with qualitative improvements in how the fault-finder tackles a fault .
13 That seems to me to qualify as a false statement made with the intention of dise deceiving which is how the dictionary defines a lie .
14 The following is an extract from the field notes where the field-worker describes a conversation in which a juvenile liaison officer is explaining who typically is encountered in her work :
15 This is where the customer samples a batch of newly delivered goods , and either rejects or accepts the batch on the basis of an acceptable quality level , usually a small percentage of rejects per batch .
16 The concern for independence shown by the court in this case is an interesting development , but it arose in circumstances where the court has a discretion to exercise statutory powers .
17 We shall therefore use ascription for the case where the adjective conveys a property which is valid for the entity instantiated by the noun , and association for the case where it is valid for something else .
18 While the subordination of time and space to narrative causality is shared with many literary forms , and while many twentieth-century literary and artistic forms adapt to their own purposes the principles of montage and the manipulation of time and space learned from cinema , the cut as a fundamental figure of the rhetoric and the immediate experience of narrative — field/reverse-field where the slash represents a cut , or the conventional point-of-view structure of look/object/look — gives cinema a generic specificity .
19 The second type is where the child has a disability which prevents or makes it difficult for him or her to make use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools — within the LEA 's area — for children of his/her age .
20 In different parts of the world the transition from childhood to the adult state may be protracted — as in our country and others of advanced Western culture ; passed through by means of relatively brief " rites of passage " formally enjoined by custom ; or virtually non-existent in those cultures where the boy becomes a man without ceremony or fuss as he becomes able to satisfy and support a wife .
21 ( vii ) Where the chairman holds a proxy requiring him to vote for a particular resolution , if no one else proposes that resolution , he must do so unless he considers that there is good reason for not doing so ( r 6.89 ) .
22 Last night 's rich pickings followed hot on the heels of her big night in Brussels last Friday when she won four gold bars for victories in Olso , Zurich , Berlin and of course Brussels … now she sets her sights on tomorrow 's Princess Street Mile in Edinburgh where the winner receives a car .
23 Reduction of share capital The court will wish to see that CA 1985 , ss135-138 are complied with where the scheme involves a reduction of share capital .
24 The only exceptions to this rule will be where the circumflex indicates a change of meaning as in jeûne ( fast ) as opposed to jeune ( young ) , or in mûr ( ripe ) as opposed to mur ( wall ) .
25 ( 5 ) Where the plaintiff makes a request pursuant to para 1 ( a ) above for the proper officer to fix a day for the hearing , he shall file a note which shall if possible be agreed by the parties giving ; ( a ) an estimate of the length of the trial , and ( b ) the number of witnesses to be called .
26 This would explain the cases where the plaintiff accepts a lift with a driver whom he knows is drunk .
27 Question six asked you to listen carefully to the music of bars fourteen to nineteen and say where the player takes a breath .
28 You can think very hard where the player takes a breath .
29 In most cases where the material has a paper backing , the backing is pasted .
30 Let us assume a situation where the owner has a fear of low-flying aircraft .
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