Example sentences of "he 'd have a " in BNC.

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1 The CO sat in another rain-washed tent to receive Charles 's fairly smart salute and ask him if he 'd had a good day .
2 He 'd had a visit from the Brigade Commander , who had criticized quite sharply several things for which the responsibility did not lie with him , but with his officers and particularly with his men .
3 If what he saw through security did not impress him , Tammuz need never know he 'd had a visitor .
4 ‘ Dad wishes he 'd had a camera when he went round the world with his father . ’
5 For Perkin , making arrows would have been like filing his nails , and he 'd had a stove right in his workroom for the charring .
6 Victor had bragged , absurdly , that he 'd had a five a.m. rendezvous with her at a private house in Cadogan Square , just before her flight to Poland , and that ‘ the earth had moved ’ .
7 I think he 'd had a stroke by then , but he came up to me and said very quietly , ‘ How 's your comical friend then ? ’
8 ‘ That 's good stuff , ’ he acknowledged after he 'd had a deep draught .
9 A friend of mine followed us round and he was starting to panic because he 'd had a bet on the boss .
10 You could get the odds because he 'd had a poor year until then by his standards .
11 If he 'd had a nice meal by the fire and the box to watch and no screaming and yelling he 'd have stayed in like Hoomey .
12 He 'd had a bad dream in which he 'd been not only head of the Conservative Research Department , but also with the Raj in Belfast , and confronted by coalminers and oil-rig workers to boot .
13 And he 'd tell me stories or sing to me , and sometimes , after he 'd had a good tumblerful of whisky , he 'd slide his hand up my shorts and stroke my thigh .
14 He 'd had a good line going with a number of the wives out here — what man had n't ?
15 Scotty was weary , the gigs were far apart , he 'd had a touch of the ‘ flu and , at over 60 , really did n't feel up to it .
16 He said he 'd had a hard life .
17 Thus , when Dennis offered him exactly half what he had been making , Lauda thought he 'd had a touch of sun .
18 Harry Andrews , who knew him for years , said , ‘ When he 'd had a few drinks he could be noisy .
19 It would be as much as Dad could do to keep himself in order after he 'd had a drop too much .
20 Dad was a jolly chap sober , or could be , but when he 'd had a few he thought himself a bit of a lady-killer .
21 Turner was suspicious of the other man , as he quite rightly should have been ; but he 'd had a whiff of something he especially did n't like , which considering who and what Ray Doyle was , was an amazing mistake to make .
22 Although once he 'd had a wife of his own .
23 He felt odd , queer , as if he 'd had a bad dream .
24 Thompson 's solicitor told Ashbourne Court : ‘ He 'd had a drink to try to relax .
25 Her father would joke about him to her when he 'd had a drink over much : ‘ Ready-made son you 've got now then , daughter , is it ? ’ he 'd say .
26 Every time he 'd had a few drinks , they took starring roles in the fantasies that played themselves out in his head .
27 Well , he 'd had a few — I mean , he probably should n't have said what he did .
28 ‘ I said he 'd had a few .
29 He 'd had a haircut .
30 And that made me wonder if you were in it , too , and he 'd had a rendezvous at the cottage .
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