Example sentences of "he point out to " in BNC.

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1 Finally he pointed out to his mother that there were but two keys to the room and the Shills had one each .
2 He pointed out to us , quite rightly , that the celebrated ‘ Destruction of the Country House ’ exhibition had illustrated just a fraction of Welsh losses and no extensive record of demolished country houses in the principality had ever been published .
3 He pointed out to me the ‘ Thief 's Corrie ’ — a dismal place only accessible at one point - that point the apex of a rocky and almost perpendicular water-course ; he said one man could hold the pass against five hundred , and I inclined to agree with him .
4 He pointed out to the magistrates that the people of the parish had previously been law-abiding , that riotous demonstrations and the destruction of property were rare , and even now were believed by many of the farmers and traders ( and the poor themselves ) to have been the work of gypsies .
5 It would be a good idea , he pointed out to the noble lord , to buy a large freehold estate and divide it into twelve , creating twelve new freeholders who would be entitled to a vote each because of the property qualification ; he hastened to add that he would personally make sure that only suitable Tory adherents were thus enfranchised .
6 Sol Wagner , an American sexologist , lecturing in Britain in 1977 , referred to the British as " obsessed " with sex ; and to some extent this is true , due as he pointed out to the double-thinking of those of us who retain inhibitions and hang-ups born of earlier years and the mixture of fascination and revulsion connected with sex which lies so deep in many of us .
7 But perhaps he pointed out to those village children the caddis fly ‘ on four fawn-coloured wings , with long legs and horns ’ ; and the dragonfly with ‘ eyes so large that they filled all its head , and shone like ten thousand diamonds ’ .
8 As he pointed out to Bouilhet , the Revue 's version of his name was only a letter away from an unwanted commercial pun : Faubet being the name of a grocer in the rue Richelieu , just opposite the Comédie-Française .
9 As he pointed out to me , the port and other government officials , also the navy and military personnel , came and went , generally posted south for only a short period , whereas he was a permanent fixture .
10 He was more concerned with the work in hand and he pointed out to Jackson that the expense of making trials was great .
11 ‘ If we cross to the far side of the river , you 'll get a good overall view of the castle , ’ he pointed out to Jessamy .
12 She knew that Mervyn Cantrell was an agnostic , though on this particular day , as he pointed out to her , his packed lunch consisted of tuna fish sandwiches and hard boiled eggs in deference , as it were , to the beliefs of others .
13 He pointed out to me the benches where the Frankenstein family sat .
14 Now at that stage my Lord Mr er telephoned Mr on the afternoon of the twenty second of October and it 's his case that he explained what had happened at the meeting of the bank to him and er asked him again , in view of the fact that was having to sell him home , if it was possible to withdraw from the contract and it is the plaintiff 's case that he pointed out to Mr er quite definitely and quite clearly on the telephone , on this day , er that without er the funding that he had required to run this business er he could only see that this was going to be potentially disastrous for him er and once again , my Lord as he said this was a fairly heated conversation and er the plaintiff was told by Mr once again that there was no way out for him and he should now concentrate all his efforts on achieving completion , er and once again we were .
15 Opponents of the party leader say his criticism of the pre-meeting comments to the press as disloyal increased the political temperature which exploded when he pointed out to three executive members that collective responsibility had worked in their favour in past occasions and any comments should be made in private .
16 ‘ Well , as he pointed out to me , Bob Makins is only a year younger than he is , but Charlie seems about ten years older than either of us .
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