Example sentences of "he [vb past] a job " in BNC.

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1 Mr Telford , who took redundancy from Markham Main four years ago , was out of work until he got a job at Rossington colliery , Doncaster .
2 Then a few months later he got a job with a trucking company , moved into a new house and eventually got married .
3 Because he had to have money he got a job working in a sandwich bar near Baker Street .
4 He got a job at the grocer 's shop , dogsbody work , sweeping up and delivering , but he saved every penny he could till he had enough to put down , with a loan from the Bank , to buy the place up .
5 After a bit he got a job in a brick works and picked up £80 a week on day shift and £100 on night shift .
6 Then he got a job selling tickets on the railways , and left home .
7 Thanks to Cook 's intervention he got a job on Liberty magazine , and Wilcock began working on its ‘ Screwball ’ column .
8 To his amazement he got a job .
9 He got a job in insurance and the marriage lasted about three years and three months , then Bunny found out that his quiet , dutiful wife had been having an affair with her boss at the food research place where she worked for roughly three years and two months .
10 And when he came back he got a job in Marks and Spencer 's on the shop floor .
11 A few days later he got a job as a sales executive with the Hartlepool marketing company SMAC .
12 Oh er of course they erm , they did n't believe in married women working and er they thought a married woman should be at home you see , well I had n't got any family then you see , until er after oh we 'd been married a number of years when we had , when I had my first baby and er and then I had the other one pretty quickly and er then I was glad to go out to work again when they were school age , they were n't left unattended at all er one , the elder one looked after the one , we did n't live , we lived in then but erm there was n't any pressure for me to stay at home , it was with my husband 's consent , because he knew it was helping out because rent man 's wages were n't very good then , and erm he er he finished , he finished at the pits you see and he got a job rent collecting , and he er he used to do miles he 'd cycle part of the way and then er he 'd perhaps leave his cycle somewhere and call back for it , but he used to do all the and all round there , there 's a place called and then er a lot of places er he used to do the old , is this , is this on , erm he used to do round , round the top there there were some slums there .
13 And he ca he got a job in the old church Llaneilian church to do this job the gal grave digging you know .
14 Er , a bloke across the road from us , he got a job up there in Northampton radio , Thursday morning , he says they give , had no end of jobs on the radio
15 And then he got a job in Tesco 's and stacked turkeys ?
16 And er , since then he come back , he got a job his name was on the board , he said , oh it 's lovely seeing your name on the board , the head , er , and in two subjects !
17 IT WAS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND ANTHONY HAD COME HOME FOR good , or rather until he found a job .
18 While MacIver was on bail , he found a job in the US .
19 He obtained a job in the town on a delivery cart , the old-fashioned horse and dray , and memorised Salvation Army doctrine , and verses from the Bible as he drove the cart .
20 Back in civvy street he landed a job at the Strand Cornerhouse in London ; from there a number of jobs with skilled confectioners allowed him to accumulate the experience needed to go it alone .
21 So he arranged a job as a sewing teacher at the school for her .
22 But he needed a job because his family needed the money .
23 By now he was married and needed to earn a living so , after leaving Vigneau , he took a job at the Renault factory in Billancourt .
24 Then he took a job with an American firm that sold time on its computers to outsiders .
25 To combine research for the film with earning money , he took a job at Ford 's Langley plant near Heathrow as a production-line worker in the body trim shop .
26 In 1881 he took a job at Hale Farm Nurseries ; then , not long after , in order to start experimenting with his ideas on design , accepted a partnership with a firm of contractors .
27 He took a job selling vacuum cleaners , an experience used in his novel Of Love and Hunger ( 1947 ) , afterwards becoming unemployed .
28 After the war he took a job with the Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Company .
29 Well erm I mean Andrew , he was very clever , he went to university and as I say now he 's nearly fif getting , getting towards fifty well even so he 's buying a house and last December things got so bad he took a job as a dustman a at Anstey , he lives
30 In 1955 he saw a job advertised at Bristol University .
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