Example sentences of "he [be] probably the " in BNC.

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1 " Count Munichhausen " who " supplied " him was probably the Premierminister des Kurfurstentums Hannover , Adolph Freiherr von Munchhausen ( 1698–1770 ) ( not the " Lugendbaron " Hieronymus Freiherr von Munchhausen notorious for the mendacity of his tales of his military exploits ! ) .
2 He is probably the most complete player I have ever seen and certainly the best front-row forward in the world .
3 I hope he will sign a new contract because I believe he is probably the best target man in Britain .
4 We have clear descriptions of Charles from his chroniclers and contemporaries ; he is probably the first powerful figure to emerge from the Dark Ages as a completely documented ruler .
5 He is probably the only adopted English child in these islands .
6 He is probably the best example of a belief often expressed about the presidency — that the man holding the office grows in stature to fit the highest position in the nation .
7 He is probably the John Archer who graduated MA from Magdalene College , Cambridge , in 1626 .
8 He is probably the namesake ‘ of the king 's household ’ who entered Lincoln 's Inn in 1475 .
9 And watching Gordon Wilson 's maiden speech to the Dublin Senate , one reflected that he is probably the only man in Ulster who is able to announce his intention to talk to the IRA and who no-one would dare to denounce .
10 His lawyer reckons he is probably the youngest person on Death Row in the world .
11 He 's probably the country 's top taxidermist , and he 's sick to the gills with eating salmon .
12 Right now he 's probably the number one rock star and teen idol in the Soviet Union something impossible to imagine several years ago .
13 He 's probably the best forensic biologist in the service .
14 He 's probably the most astute politician in the Middle East , and we knew we could do business with him .
15 He 's still young , could go into club management after a spell with England , and I bet he 's probably the *peoples choice * which would make his job easier as the press would think twice before having a go at him .
16 Do we really need him now , there 's no way he 's going to be as good as he used to be , and he 's probably the size of Mick Quinn now anyway : - )
17 He 's probably the only man that can come back from that .
18 He 's probably the best leader the Tories never had .
19 All of his six feet six foot three of smouldering sexuality he 's probably the best looking man you have ever seen with a bo body he looks every inch the top model he once was .
20 I think he 's probably the most would you not say so ?
21 Bill , could I come back to a quotation by another former Tory Prime Minister in the nineteen sixties , erm they were ragging old Douglas Hume unmercifully , the Labour Party did , when he was made Prime Minister , and , you know , erm all 's fair in politics , and Harold Wilson , I think , made the comment that the democracy of this country had ground to a halt with the appointment of the fourteenth earl , and Douglas Hume , in his sort of very self-deprecating way and his very modest way , says ‘ well , you know , I suppose if one were to ask , he 's probably the fourteenth Mr Wilson ’ .
22 I wished he 'd had the same confidence in front of audiences because he was probably the most talented actor of us all .
23 Next to the Beatles and Mick Jagger he was probably the best-known teenage ‘ pin up ’ .
24 However , of all those present , he was probably the least likely to have been attempting to secure the work for himself .
25 As a manager he remains his own greatest fan and although his playing days are over , he was probably the most creative player on Rangers ' books : a genius in search of a mirror .
26 He was probably the first deaf man in the world to do so .
27 He was probably the first ‘ weather-man ’ , using the medium of the broadsheet instead of television and radio .
28 To return to Griffith 's experiments , Griffith was not the first man to draw strong glass fibres but he was probably the first man to do it in a systematic way and to provide a plausible explanation of the results .
29 He was probably the first man to solo 8a on French rock ; made the first winter lone ascent of the South Face of the Aiguille du Fou ( scene of Alan Rouse 's famed injury during an earlier , summer , solo ) and also made one of the most prestigious ascents in the area with his solo of Divine Providence — Patrick Gabarrou 's 1984 desperate on the Grand Pilier d'Angle buttress on Mont Blanc .
30 It was a feeling she had never had before , not even with Kenny , and he was probably the best friend she ever had .
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