Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 Mind , I ai n't sayin' 'e do n't 'ave 'is good points , nor that 'e do n't come up with a cuddle and a present sometimes .
2 The first day Shanti was with us he did not come home from school till very late .
3 One day he did not come downstairs for supper .
4 He did not come forward on their behalf .
5 He did not come from a showbusiness family .
6 He did not come across to people as an inflexible ideologue , but as a sensible sincere man with a good sense of humor and a friendly interest in other people 's concerns .
7 He did not come home to sleep .
8 The extreme diehards had written off Law as the dupe of Lloyd George because he did not come out fighting against coalition policies , hence the witticism that the coalition was an alliance between a flock of sheep led by a , crook and a flock of crooks led by a sheep .
9 He did not come to her bed that night , nor for many nights after .
10 He did not come back until the evening , and then he was drunk .
11 He did not come in person .
12 When I took you to church and gave you your name , he did not come .
13 She looked forward to his usual visit that evening , but he did not come , and it was Comfort who appeared at half-past nine to remake Julia 's bed and see that she had everything she needed for the night .
14 A plate of poisoned fish stood ready for him in the dining-room , but he did not come home .
15 They left the kitchen window open for Tobermory as usual , but he did not come .
16 Perhaps even , thought Cadfael , prompted a step further , he came without even the intent to kill , since he did not come prepared .
17 He did not come in the dawning , he did not come at noon ; And out of the tawny sunset , before the rise o " the moon , when the road was a gypsy 's ribbon , looping the purple moor , A red-coat troop came marching
18 He did not come in the dawning , he did not come at noon ; And out of the tawny sunset , before the rise o " the moon , when the road was a gypsy 's ribbon , looping the purple moor , A red-coat troop came marching
19 ( David Rockefellers older brother Nelson , who had recently died , had been almost a friend of the Shah ) Would either of them fly to Morocco and tell the Shah that the US government preferred that he did not come to America right now ?
20 At first they continued to rail against the regime , but Simpson 's ardour had cooled enough by July for the council to order his release , on condition that he did not come within ten miles of London .
21 While encouraging westernized intelligentsias , he did not come to terms with their nationalisms , whether he was lecturing in South Africa ( 1949 ) , advising on local government in Tanganyika ( 1950 ) , observing the Seretse Khama [ q.v. ] affair in Bechuanaland ( 1951 ) , or surveying the possibilities for a Central African Federation ( 1952 ) .
22 He did not come up again .
23 When he did not come I was surprised .
24 But he did not come back , and soon they were dancing again .
25 The human came back later and he did not come alone .
26 When he came in the evening — it was by this time unthinkable that there should be an evening when he did not come — he might let slip something that would make sense of this new move .
27 He did not come , he did n't say , I have come to teach you !
28 He did not come in the dawning .
29 He did not come at noon .
30 The back of his neck went pink but he did n't come back .
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